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After madison exchange numbers with the barista she just met she drove back to the coven.

She took a deep breath and open the door of her shared room hoping her roommate isn't in there. And luckily for her she wasn't.

Madison sigh in relief and went straight to her bed and laid on there checking her social media.

!𝗕𝗶𝗻𝗴! A notification popped out on madison's phone.

It was violet. A smile appeared across madison's face.

Violet.h [1:20pm]
Hey ;)

Madison [1:21pm]

Violet. h [1:22pm]
So... I was thinking if u want to go to this party with me tonight?

Madison [1:22pm]
Yeah sure.

Violet.h [1:23pm]
Great , I'll pick u up at 7. Send me ur address. I miss seeing ur face already ;)

Madison [1:24pm]

Madison smiled internally maybe this will let her forget about Zoe for awhile. It's a great distraction.


Meanwhile zoe....

Zoe went out to run some errands that Cordelia requested. She needed to buy a list of grocery for the coven.

While picking out grocery she felt a light tap on her shoulders. She turned around to see non other than Kyle. Smiling and scratching his head.

Wow he really does look like a dog.

"Oh hey Kyle fancy seeing you here." Zoe greeted abit shocked to see him too. " hii so what are you doing here all alone?"

"Oh just running some errands for my school." Zoe was actually glad to see him cuz this trip to the grocery store was boring.

" you have to run errands for your school?" Kyle questions not knowing that this isn't an ordinary school and it only has 4 students.

" yeah... I volunteered gotta get out of there sometimes." Zoe replied nervously. " well then you wanna hang later? Since you gotta get out of there."

" sorry no I'm sorry I have to get back and help the teachers there." Zoe lied to not "hang" with Kyle. It's not that she doesn't it's just she kinda want to be alone later still thinking about her kiss with madison.

" oh it's okay , by the way can I get a selfie I want to it post on my story." Kyle asked nervously. " sure." Zoe gave him a smile.

After she was done grocery shopping she went back to the coven hoping to finally talk to her roommate about last nights event.


When Zoe arrived the coven it's already 7pm due to the heavy traffic. Zoe was tired and hungry.

She went up her room to find her roommate gone yet again. She sighed and decided to go down and eat dinner.

As for madison. Remember her date with violet? Yeah. She picked her up and they drove about an hour away from the coven to the party.

It was at this huge boujie ass looking mansion with loud music coming from inside.

Madison had a feeling that this party would suck but she doesn't really care since she just came for the booze.

She went in with violet.

It was crowded the smell of weed and alcohol everywhere. There are lots of people , older people.
I mean not old old just a little older then the two teens. They all seem to be in their late 20's or even 30's.

Not the kind that madison always go to , where there's more people her age or just college students.

An hour had passed and just like madison predicted the party really sucked. There's weird annoyingly bad music. And she had been standing next to violet who was talking to some of her friends. Just awkwardly drinking her drink alone.

There are some people that came up to her and ask about what her career was and money stuff it was boring as fuck.

While standing there just drinking lots of cheep beer she hadn't realised that she drank five cans already and starting to get a little drunk.

She pulled out her phone to check her social media and just to see kyle's instagram story of Zoe and kyle in a selfie. Caption " bumped into this cutie at the store."

Madison couldn't believe it not dating my ass she thought and turned to pull violet into a kiss.

Violet's friends we're staring at them while they kissed passionately. Madison didn't know what she was doing. It was probably those five cans of beer that triggered it.

Violet pulled out of the kiss and stared at madison.
"Woah woah slow down." She said shocked at what had just happened.

Madison suddenly realised what she had done. She kissed violet because she was mad and jealous at Zoe.  Jealous? When does Madison do jealous? She thought. And over a picture? Wow these beers really did something to her.

" Oh I'm sorry , I didn't know what came to me. Can you please bring me home?" Violet agreed and they both left the party.

The drive back was silent none of them dared to speak. And it was one hell of a long drive.

Once they've arrived madison got out of the car but before she could do that she felt a hand grabbing her and pulling her back in the car.

Violet pulled her in for a quick kiss. " I was wondering if we could hang out again sometime. But this time I'll take you on a proper date." Violet asked smiling.

" yeah yeah sure text me." And madison got out of the car and into the academy. Oh poor violet if only she knew that madison was thinking about someone else while kissing her.

A/N: well that's it I guess. Really sorry for not updating in so long I've had a very shitty beginning of the year and really not motivated to write. Will update soon 💋

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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