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Madison pov

It's the next morning, my head hurts and I can't seem to remember much about last night.

WAIT! Yes I do , i kissed Zoe. Omg what was I thinking. I know I have some feelings for her but what if she doesn't, she has that stupid frat boy why would she want me.

I got up staring at her right across my bed. She looks so beautiful while she's asleep. Wait what am I doing this is creepy stop it madison.

I prayed to god that Zoe would forget everything that happened last night. I got out of bed and slowly walk to the bathroom avoiding waking up my roommate and took a quick shower.

I got out of the shower , dried my hair and walked out of the bathroom.

Zoe was already awake , I tried to avoid any eye contact and walk straight to the closet to pick todays outfit.

"Good morning madison." Zoe said. I greeted her back trying not to look at her. I feel embarrassed of last nights event but I'll try to act like I didn't remember.

" hey Madison... can we talk?" I know what she would ask but I'll try acting dumb. " about what?" I said while wearing my shirt. "You know.... About last night." I knew it.

"Later I have to go now I'm late for something." I lied but only to get away from this situation. I mean it's a Sunday I don't really have anything to do but I have to get away from Zoe as fast as I can.


Madison ran out of the room to god knows where and left Zoe on the bed alone.

Zoe was confused , does madison not remember last nights event? She tried to ignore it and try and ask the blonde later.

Madison has absolutely no where to go , it's 9am in the morning no parties she can go and get drunk at but she does know a coffee shop nearby that she could hide out at first.

She drove to the coffee shop and went inside , she's never been here and she wonders why I mean it's just 4 miles away from the coven. it's probably because she would rather have alcohol than caffeine.

The coffee shop looks homey and has lots of plants in there. It smells nice in there too it's sort of comfortable in there.

She walked up to the counter bar and sat on one of the seat. " hey , what can I get you." Madison looks up to see a beautiful young barista and she looks awfully like Zoe for some reason.

" one ice latte please." She smiled at the barista. The baristas nodded and went an made her the order.


Madison has been in this coffee shop for hours , she seems to like it there and the barista. Her name is violet , and turns out they had a lot in common especially their depressing family drama. Violet hated her parents and so did madison.

They have talked about it for almost two and a half hours. It was great to finally have someone to relate to. madison thought.

" so.... I really like talking to you , can we maybe do this again? Like at another place of course." Violet said.

" are you asking me out on a date?" Madison tried to hide her smile. "I mean if you want it to be , it could." Violet smirked

And of course madison said yes.

I know I know isn't madison suppose to be figuring out her feelings with Zoe , and not with some Zoe look alike. But look madison is an insecure person and she's trying her best and it's her first time with a girl. she doesn't really know if she likes girls or just Zoe.

But yet again we'll find out soon.

A/N: Sorry for the late update I have a lot of school work to do but I'll promise I'll update sooner if I have more free time. And yeah this chapter is very short compared to other chapters but it's probably because idk what to write. And I also did a little narrator thing in the end because I just Finnish rewatching Jane the virgin and it seems kinda fun to put it in the story. I will try doing it in future chapters but if u guys don't like it u can tell me. Also the madison and violet thing yeah don't worry it won't last long. Alright will update soon bye. 💋

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