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As Zoe entered their shared room she saw Madison curled up in her bed. She sighed in relief to see her sleeping in her bed and not throwing up in the toilet or something.

She walked to her closet to find some comfortable clothes to borrow her since madison is still wearing that uncomfortable tight dress.

Zoe took her oversized t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants and walked towards Madison. She shake her a little to wake her up " madison wake up , you need to change." The blonde mumbled but did not move . " Madison please." The blonde finally sat up but is half asleep so Zoe decided to change for her .

Zoe lifted up the dress to reveal that the blonde is not wearing a bra. The brunette look away and tried her best not to look at her. She finally changed the blonde in a comfy outfit and went in the bathroom to grab a wet cloth to wipe of the makeup .

After that Zoe put madison down and tuck her In comfortably . As Zoe began to walk away she felt a hand grabbing her , she turn over and looked at it.    " stay... please" " I'm just going to change but I'll be back okay?" The blonde nodded and the brunette walked away to the bathroom.

After Zoe changed into her pyjamas she slowly walk towards Madison's bed to avoid waking her up. She hesitated at first but decided to crawl in her bed beside her. She felt madison's arm around her "thanks for everything." Zoe smiles to Madison words . she found madison's touch comforting but she tries to ignore the weird feeling she feels and closed her eyes and went to sleep.


Zoe woke up the next morning and found no one beside her. Madison is gone. Then she saw the clock beside her " shit I'm late for morning gathering." She jumped out of bed quickly and prepare herself for the morning. She zoomed out her room and down the stairs to find no one in the living room where they should have morning gatherings at.

"You missed morning gathering." The brunette heard a Familiar voice and turned her head around to see who it is. It was cordelia. " I'm so sorry miss cordelia I overslept." She said looking down at her shoes embarrassed. " it's okay Zoe just remember you won't overslept next time ."

" I promise." Zoe was relieved that the headmistress let her go this time. " well you should go eat breakfast then before it gets cold." Cordelia said with a warm smile. Zoe nodded and went to the dining hall.

She saw Queenie and Nan but no signs of madison anywhere at the dining table. She sat down and Spalding brought out a plate of eggs Benedict and croissant in front of her, she was shock at how great it looks and how delicious it taste, it is nothing like she had at her old school.

" so..... have you guys seen madison?" She asked awkwardly while still eating her breakfast. " no , not  after morning gathering is there something we should know?" Nan replied. Zoe shaked her head. " look you don't have to worry about that bitch she's probably out smoking or god knows what out there. And she doesn't eat breakfast.. ever, she'll come back soon." Queenie said

This made Zoe more concern about the former movie star but she decided to shake it off and thought it was probably her daily thing , Since she doesn't really know what she normally does on a daily basis.

After breakfast Zoe went up to her room and check on her phone to pass time since class doesn't start till 2pm.

Kyle :) [11:15]
Hey Zoe 👋

Zoe [11:18]
Hey kyle good morning :)

Kyle :) [11:18]
Good morning, so how's Madison? Is she feeling better now?

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