003 | heart of glass

393 13 1

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„Morning, sunshine! Time to get our schedules and stuff!", Julez exclaimed, as she threw a pillow at the still peacefully sleeping Alessia, who suddenly didn't look so peaceful anymore.
Before she even answered, she threw the pillow right back at her friend and got up with a groan.
„Don't even act like our schedules are what interests you about orientation day." Julez just shrugged, jumped up and ran to the kitchen.

„I tried to make the rest of our travel snacks into a breakfast, but I don't think that'll work again. We gotta get groceries." Alessia just nodded, her eyes still half closed, as she made her way to the bathroom. It was definitely too early to think about anything other than sleeping, peeing and coffee. Thankfully, Julez knew Alessia wasn't a morning person and had a cup of coffee and some toast ready when Alessia came back to the kitchen.

"How the hell did you do all this before seven?", Alessia asked, looking at the squeeky-clean counter tops and the also squeeky-clean Julez. Her hair and make up both looked like she didn't only have a quarter of her bathroom essentials at hand, making Alessia think her best friend might have sneaked some stuff into her luggage when she wasn't looking. Julez smiled proudly and leaned on the stove.

"I'm a Disney princess, what can I say?"

"You're a psychopath, alright."

"Those two aren't mutually exclusive, right?" Alessia was pretty sure they were, but she was too tired to argue. Instead, she quietly chewed on her toast until another loud voice interrupted her peacefully morning ritual.

"Open up!", Antonio's voice sounded right after he'd knocked, not giving them any time for a greeting without ear-deafening noise. Julez practically jumped to the door and opened it with a bright smile.

"Good morning!", she exclaimed and stepped aside to invite him in. Antonio didn't look like that was his intention, but then again, he didn't look like he was convinced anyone would open up. He'd probably told himself tat this had merely been a bad dream.

„Morning", Alessia greeted with a mocking grin, not moving from her admittedly uncomfortable sitting position. A short expression of horror jumped over Antonio's face when he saw her. If it was because she was here or because she looked ghastly in the morning, Alessia wasn't sure.

"You're late", Antonio then noted, making Alessia groan in annoyance. She had definitely not missed him for his constant criticism.

"Fuck off", she exclaimed with toast in her mouth. Then she walked away back to the bathroom.

Getting ready had always been her least favorite part of the day, mostly because it usually went hand in hand with an annoying older brother banging against the door or an annoying best friend who'd been ready for the past three hours. Either way, Alessia had learned to spend the least time possible putting make-up and clothes on. Basically the bare minimum in order to not look like a ghost. This time she was also concerned as to what Julez was talking about right now, as she had a tendency to start babbling in front of crushes. And not the cute kind. With the last crush Alessia had witnessed, Julez had always started to talk about her cat's newest tumors or how puss was leaking from them. R.I.P Sir Lanzelot.

Alessia stormed back into the living room, only sparsely putting road maps, a charger and her phone in her backpack. Antonio didn't look too disturbed which left hope that Julez had spared his ears.

"Are you ready?", Julez asked immediately.


"Fuck no!" Alessia shot Antonio a tired look. This was definitely not what she'd come here for.

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