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"This is the nurse's office. I don't know who thought it would be practical to place it this far away from the gym, but you only get injured here, like, once a month, so... I think that's it." Cesar smiled as though what he just said was the most logical thing in the world. Alessia made a face.

"Great, thanks for the tour." Julez gently hit her in the arm for sounding so sarcastic.

"Sorry, she's actually really nice. Usually. Sometimes." Her face was apologetic, but Cesar didn't seem bothered. Actually, he didn't seem like anything bothered him. He hadn't stopped smiling once during his tour, not when a boy he called Latrelle tried to trip him, not when the principal revealed that he'd have to repeat a class from last year and not even whenever people started whispering as soon as he entered a room. Maybe he didn't even notice, maybe Alessia was over-interpreting. But she was bothered, so, how could he not be?

"It's fine, I'm used to people not being overly friendly. When you live at my house, you stop taking things personally." Alessia couldn't say what exactly it was, but something about his aloof attitude made her angry. Maybe she just hated the fact, that kids this young were already so deep in all this gang business and nobody seemed to care. Maybe she generally hated joy. Or she was mad that someone spoke so lightly about the thing that had taken her brother away from her.

"Whatever, let's get our schedules and then out of here", she mumbled, swallowing her emotions. This was not the time, place, or person, really, to lash out. Julez rolled her eyes, but nodded.

Cesar did the same and scratched his head. „I convinced Oscar to give me and my friends a ride to the mall later. If you want, you can join." He looked genuine, but Alessia wasn't convinced. She shot Julez a warning gaze, but Julez either didn't care or notice.

"That would be amazing!" Alessia grabbed her arm, but Julez shrugged her off and added aggressively: "We need groceries. But only if your friends are cool with us coming, of course!"

Shit. They did need groceries. And Alessia had no idea where to get them. Her ideal afternoon was definitely not spent with a group of teenagers, but as of now, they were the only sane people around.

"Yeah, they're chill. And I think you", Cesar looked at Alessia, "you'll get along with Monse."

"I don't get along with many people", she hissed, not particularly angry with him, but with herself. But just like before, he didn't seem to mind her demeanor.

"Monse doesn't, either. I'll let you guys know when we leave. Will be somewhere around two, I think."

"Perfect. Thank you so much!" Julez had dished out the cashier-voice, making Alessia roll her eyes. When Cesar had left, Julez laughed and raised her eyebrows at Alessia. "Maybe this Monse-girl will finally put an end to your streak of last words."
"You act like I'm a huge buzzkill all the time. I just want us to be careful."

Julez' face softened and she put an arm around Alessia. "I know. But maybe the seventeen year olds aren't the ones we need to be careful of, here."

They navigated towards the doors and left the school premises as fast as they could.

"Whatever." Alessia pulled out her schedule and almost barfed. "Oh my God. I so don't want to do this again."

"Oh my God,", Julez added, looking equally as green, "chemistry, physics and math in one day. Who the fuck made this?!" She put here hands towards the sky and pressed out a silent: „Whyyy?"
Alessia chuckled. "I thought we would get to choose between P.E. and art class." She mimicked Julez' pose just as dramatically.

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