008 | tainted love

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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

"Julez, did you eat my yogurt?", Alessia yelled even though Julez was just a couple meters away, sitting on the couch in the living room. Living area. Whatever it was.

She looked up, her face full of guilt. "Uh... I might have."

"Dude", Alessia sighed and fell onto the cushion right next to Julez. She wasn't mad or anything. She just really wanted a yogurt right now.

"Sorry, I've been totally distracted by all the stuff we're supposed to be doing before school starts. Here, did you see we have to finish two entire books within the first week? I don't think I've read two books in the past year."

Alessia made a face and looked at the lesson plan. "First of all, that's not a flex." She licked her fingers like a grandma and flipped through the pages. "Second of all, we read Romeo and Juliet three times already. So, it's only one book, really?"

"Like I've actually read those."
"Then why worry about reading them now?"
Julez pursed her lips. "Because this time we're actually graduating. We have to do the work."

Alessia didn't answer. She knew Julez was only still in school because of her. Because Julez had always helped Alessia out, always been there when she was needed. She'd skipped lessons, homework and detention for Alessia. And Alessia had no idea how to pay her back. Not that Julez wanted her to.

"Oh, Monse just texted me a picture of her in the dress we found yesterday!" Julez happily put her phone in Alessia's face, the books forgotten entirely. "See how cute she looks!"

"Yeah, it's cute." It was actually far beyond cute and kind of unbelievable that they'd found a dress like that in a thrift store, but if Julez knew one thing, it was shopping.

"By the way, I'm sorry I left you hanging with the groceries. I totally forgot." Alessia just waved Julez off.
"It's fine. Cesar came with."
Julez raised a brow. "Right. How did that happen anyways?"
"Dude, I have no idea. We just started talking and then he showed me the shops. I don't know. He's cool, I guess."
"You guess."
"Yes, I guess. What's your problem?"
"Aly, I know you have some weird vendetta against these people and admitting they're nice would break your vows, but it's just me. I won't set you on fire for liking them." Julez shot Alessia a scolding stare.
"I just said he's cool!" Julez rolled her eyes and proceeded to scroll through the pictures Monse had sent. The last one was a selfie of Cesar and her.

"They're definitely dating, right?"
"Oh, for sure."
"We shouldn't be speculating about the dating life of teenagers."
"You started it!" They both chuckled and Alessia threw a pillow in Julez' direction. The morning had generally started out pretty chill. After they'd gotten back from the mall yesterday, Alessia had constantly felt the urge to go over to Cesar's just to slap his brother in the face. She couldn't even really say why. Technically, he hadn't done anything to them (yet) and even been helpful (he had a license). Still, Alessia had already decided she didn't like him.

This morning had been full of unpacking boxes and desperately trying to move furniture inside, because they'd just entirely forgotten about the moving van that came during the time they spent at the mall. It wasn't too bad, but Alessia had vetoed going across the street and asking for help with things like the couch and their beds and Antonio had also not shown up to help yet. Even though Alessia had already aggressively texted him. Twice.

When Alessia's phone started ringing and Julez saw the name "Cesar" on the display, Julez frowned. Alessia waved her questioning face off and picked up.

"You know, you really shouldn't answer the phone like that. If I was a scammer and recording this call, I now would have your spoken yes for whatever contracts I'd want to make."
"Are you a scammer?"
"I... No."
"Well, we're good, then. What's up?"

"Uh, I saw your stuff out in your driveway and wanted to ask if you needed help with anything."
"No, thank you", Alessia said, ignoring Julez' silent protest. "We can manage."
"Really? Because Jamal already said he wanted to see your house and Ruby and Monse can always be convinced to help out a friend. Jamal too, but... you know." Alessia and Julez looked at each other, Julez pleading and Alessia unsure.

"So, no Spooky?" Cesar chuckled on the other end of the line.
"No Spooky. Though, I could convince him as well, if you'd like me to."
"Fuck off, Cesar", another voice came through the phone, but sounded much further away. He probably hadn't heard anything except his name. Hopefully.

"I... Okay. If you guys are fine with that, we really could use your help", Alessia sighed and Julez leaned back in relief. They would've had to ask somebody anyway, but this made the process a lot easier. Cesar confirmed again and asked for a time.
"I mean, whenever. It's not like we're busy", Julez mumbled and looked at her nails.
"We could start anytime. How about you give them a call first and they choose?"
"Sounds good. I'll text you when I know more."
"Great, thank you. Bye."
"Bye." Alessia put down the phone, only to be greeted by Julez' critical gaze.

"So", she said, sounding like she was waiting for Alessia to pick up on whatever she was implying.
"So?", Alessia asked, blunt as always. Julez threw the pillow back at her.
"Dude, you exchanged numbers with Cesar?"
"You exchanged numbers with Monse!"
"That's different and you know it! I don't now how I feel about you texting a guy." Alessia raised her brows.
"A boy, you mean? Because he's literally seventeen."
"Even worse, he's a minor."
"Oh my God", Alessia laughed and got up. "Don't make this weird. You're... this is weird. Stop."

"Should I warn Monse? I'm a girl's girl, you know that."
"Warn her about you delusion, maybe."
"You can't admit it, but that doesn't make it any less real!"
"Jesus. I'm making spaghetti. And you're not getting any."
"Noo! I take it back. Everything. I've said nothing. I hate women."
"Okay, good."

𝙒𝘼𝙄𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙍𝙊𝙊𝙈 ᵒˢᶜᵃʳ ᵈⁱᵃᶻWhere stories live. Discover now