006 | something good

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When they arrived at the mall, Alessia was actually pleasantly surprised. She hadn't expected Freeridge being close to something that looked like it was part of the real world, but apparently she'd underestimated the connection to Northridge, which was full of pricey restaurants, clubs and, evidently, shopping opportunities. 

     "I'll pick you up at 4:30, cool?", Spooky asked as Cesar left the car. Cesar looked a bit confused, but then nodded and closed the door. Spooky drove off.
     "Someone's in a good mood", Monse scoffed shot Julez and Alessia a certain look. Alessia reciprocated immediately, but Julez put on a diplomatic smile.

     "I bet ten bucks that you were about to say that", she grinned, elbowing Alessia inconspicuously. Alessia shrugged and gifted Julez a small smile. The small boy, Ruby, put away what looked like a shopping list and stepped forward.

     "This friendly bickering is totally acceptable and I really don't want to be a buzzkill, but what's not acceptable is that you, Cesar, brought two completely unfamiliar— but fairly beautiful —people into our group, with less than a day's notice." Julez looked baffled. He reminded Alessia of someone, but she wasn't sure who. Then again, her old school had been filled with smart asses like this guy. He didn't seem half as unfriendly, though.

     Cesar rubbed his eyes like they'd had this exact argument before. Also, it clearly made him uncomfortable to have it in front of Alessia and Julez. "And I've told you that I'm sorry about that. I just thought inviting them was the polite thing to do. Also, they're pretty solid." Julez picked up his apologetic gaze immediately, but Alessia didn't. She hadn't asked to be invitied here, so she wouldn't act more grateful than she was.

     Monse sighed loudly and gently pushed Ruby aside. "I'm sorry about Ruby. The r in his name apparently stands for rude."

     Julez giggled. "Funny you'd say that, because Cesar told us that you..."

     "Guys, we should head in, the ice cream place closes in half an hour", Cesar interrupted in a slight panic. Julez didn't seem to understand, Monse, however, did. She spent the way inside arguing with Cesar and Alessia couldn't help but fear he was regretting bringing them along.

     "Did I say something wrong?", Julez whispered and locked her arm with Alessia's.

     "Nah, you're good", Alessia lied.

     "Are you guys having a secret meeting?", Jamal cut in, whispering as well. "I got all the dirt."

     Alessia and Julez shared a look, than a smile. "Not this time. I will come back to that, though", Julez said and it seemed she and Jamal had a silent understanding. He raised his voice again and pointed towards a small house in the shape of an ice cream cone right in the middle of the mall's entrance.

     "Pablo's ice-cream is the best in town. It's also mostly the only in town. But, I mean, details, am I right?", he explained and nudged Alessia repeatedly.

     "I'm sure you are." Monse saved the girls by pulling Jamal aside and filling the space between them. "So, what brought you to Freeridge? Cesar refused to tell us anything." 

     "I didn't tell you anything because I don't know anything. Even though he practically lives on our porch, Antonio is very secretive." He looked at Alessia and she could see panic slide into his expression. "No offense!" 

     She just shrugged it off. "It's fine, and you're right. Usually. This time Antonio couldn't have said anything, because he didn't know. Or forgot. Julez and I decided to move here a couple months ago. But only to... complete our senior year. We wanted to see something new, but I also liked the thought of being close to my brother for a while." She carefully left out the details about her bipolar mother, her dead father and the fact this was actually her third time attempting graduation. Not that it was her fault, but most people didn't care to listen for the explanation.

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