We know

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Narrator's POV:

(Y/N): Come on Jaune it's not that hard just be yourself and ask her to the dance...

Jaune: B-but when?! I don't know anything about this I never been in a relationship before! Oh, god what if she dumps me bec-

(Y/N) hits Jaune in the back of the head.

(Y/N): Calm down you idiot Pyrrha would never do that she likes you for who you are so stop being an idiot and ask her to go somewhere and then just bring up the dance and ask her!

Jaune: O-okey I'll do that, thanks (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yeah, now I have to convince a kitty to go to the dance...

Jaune/(Y/N): Good luck!

Time skip/With Jaune

Jaune was walking with Pyrrha through Beacon to get some fresh air.

Jaune: Pyrrha, look!

Jaune pointed to a poster that talked about the dance. Pyrrha was confused as she grabbed the paper off the wall.

Pyrrha: I don't like dances.

Pyrrha threw the paper as she continued to walk, Jaune caught up to her.

Jaune: Why don't you like dances?

Pyrrha: (mumbled) I-I've never been asked.

Jaune:(chuckles) Pyrrha, we'd be going together! We're dating after all.

Pyrrha blushed at thought of both of them going to the dance.

Pyrrha: Really?


Pyrrha hugged Jaune, giving him a quick kiss before they both continue walking.

With (Y/N)

(Y/N): So there inside here you say?

Ruby: Yep.

(Y/N): Okey then let's do this!

Ruby and (Y/N) enters the room only to hear fighting.

Blake: You don't understand! I'm the only one who can do this!

Yang: No, you don't understand! (turns around sharply to reveal red eyes and the sound of flames) If Roman Torchwick walked through that door, what would you do?

Blake: I'd fight him!

Yang: You'd lose! (pushes Blake away)

Blake: I can stop him! (tiredly tries to do the same to Yang, but she doesn't even budge)

Yang: You can't even stop me!

(Y/N): Um, should we do something or?

She pushes Blake again, knocking her to land on the desk. Yang, still angry-eyed, walks toward Blake as she gets up, but then does the unexpected and embraces her in a hug, her eyes going back to their normal purple.

Yang: I'm not asking you to stop. Just please, get some rest. (pulls back to look at her partner) Not just for you, but for the people you care about.

Ruby: Nah, they'll be fine...I think...

Weiss: What are you guys doing here?!

Blake/ Yang: Weiss?

Weiss: Someone left a note on my bed saying to come here.

Everyone stares at each other until Ruby hit (Y/N) in the shoulder.

(Y/N): Oh, yeah I forgot hehehe...

Now WBY looks confused as they stare at (Y/N).

(Y/N):(cough) Can you guys please take a seat I have something important to tell you....please?

Team RWBY sits down and looks at (Y/N).

Weiss: Can someone tell me what is this all about?

Ruby: That's what she's about to do...

Everyone's attention draws back to (Y/N) who looks really nervous.

(Y/N): Soooo...I-I-(sigh) I know that you guys like me.


Suddenly WBY blushes and looks at the ground.

Weiss: Yeah, right me like you no way (laughs nervously).

Yang: You're my sister's girl (laughs nervously) why would I like you.

Blake:...I do like you...

Everything goes quite as Yang and Weiss look at Blake shocked.

Ruby: We know.

Blake looks at the ground in shame.

Weiss: But that doesn't explain anything about me I don't-

(Y/N): We saw what happened in the park with Yang.

Weiss eyes widen as she looks at (Y/N) who smiles at her.

Yang: Okey fine I like you too. I mean who wouldn't your so hot, mysterious, and kind with those you care about.

(Y/N):(blushes) T-thank Yang...

Weiss: But what is this for, like why do you tell us this?

(Y/N): Well Ruby um-

Ruby:(smiles) I want to share (Y/N) with you guys!

WBY: What?

Weiss: A-and (Y/N) doesn't mind?

They all look at (Y/N) who looks at the ground blushing.

(Y/N): I-I don't mind...

Yang:(sigh) Oh, fuck it I'm in!

Yang get up and hug (Y/N) as Ruby smiles at them.

Blake: I don't mind sharing.

Blake gets up and hug (Y/N) too.

Ruby: Weiss?

Weiss: I- I(sigh) I guess I won't get another chance like this so fine!

Weiss gets up and looks at (Y/N) face to face and kisses her which leaves everyone in the room a little shocked.

Weiss:(sees everyone looking at her) What? I been wanting to do that for a long time don't judge me!

Ruby:(Y/N) aren't you forgetting something...

(Y/N): Oh yeah.

(Y/N) pulls away from the hug and looks at the girls.

(Y/N): Well I was wondering if you girls would you know....um want to go to the dance with me?

(Y/N) looks really nervous as she looks up at the girls but then gets tackled to the ground by them.

RWBY: Of course we'll go to the dance with you!

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