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꧁ 𓅰 « 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 6 » 𓅰 ꧂

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꧁ 𓅰 « 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 6 » 𓅰 ꧂

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING YOU IDIOT!?" I shouted at Reki grabbing his collar.

"WHY WOULD YOU CHALLENGE HIM?" I pulled him down to my level furious.

"He needs to take back what he said about Miya!" He says defending himself.

"I understand that! But we could always do something else to him!" My eye twitched from my anger.

"No way! He even kissed you and you took on his challenge!!." He says back.

"That's because we used to date!. I always beat him. I'm the only one that has ever beaten him."

"Date?" Reki and Langa ask.

"It's a long story!"

"I was completely fine" Miya interupts.

"Shut it kid we already took up for you!" I say looking to Miya.

"I don't need you to defend me!" Miya yells.

"And we don't want you to be treated poorly like that again now do we?" I grit my teeth.

"And you.." I push Reki away and slowly turn to scold Langa.

My negative scary aura errupted. My face was full of anger and a bit of disapointment.

Langa knew what was coming and gulped down.

Reki and Miya stepped back.."scary.."

"You! Stop fucking accepting everyone's race with you!" I yelled.

He rubbed the back of his head nervously looking down. "I..I'm sorr-"

"You know what don't even I'm sick and tired of all of you. I'll see you tomorrow. " I say cutting Langa off.

The three gulped and stood in place thinking about the horribke things i'd do.

"We're dead meat" Reki says with a shakey voice.

"You sure are" I grabbed my board and skated home.


Reki and Langa were standing still as a statue in fear knowing I'd yell and scold them.

"Reki.." I say sternly with a stone cold voice.

• trillix • ¦ Sk8 The Infinity x ( Female reader )Where stories live. Discover now