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꧁ 𐂃 « 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 7 » 𐂃 ꧂

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꧁ 𐂃 « 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 7 » 𐂃 ꧂

"Thanks for tha ride" I smiled at Hanakina and got out of the car walking off to the gates of the S club.

I showed them my 'S' sticker and they let me in. Walking in I noticed The four lads talking to each other.

"She's finally here!"

"What took her so long!"

"We've been waiting over an hour!"

Members complained at my lateness and I jist shrugged it off.

"You finally made it!" Reki yelled to me.

"You took so long" Shadow joined in.

"Yea yea let me get this over with" I rolled my eyes and dropped my board down onto the ground then putting my foot ontop of it.

"Don't forget, you lose, you become my little mouse" The pimped guy who challenged me smirk.

"You lose you have to quit S" I grinned evily earning a shcoked expression from others.

"What he has to quit!?"

"Can she even do that!?"

"He's gotta win to put her in her place"

The dude chuckled as the stop lights Turned red.





"Prepare to be my mouse" he smirked.

"1!! GOO!" The lady striked her flag down as all lights turned green.

Just as the women signaled us the man rode of as fast as he could. I stood there nonchalantly.


"Wait why isn't she going?"


"Mochi go!"

"Y/- I-I mean mochi why aren't you going!?" Reki asked concerned.

I looked ahead at the road and stood still, I examaned and calculated the movements of the low wind flowling through the hair.

• trillix • ¦ Sk8 The Infinity x ( Female reader )Where stories live. Discover now