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♡︎ • 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 • ♡︎

"Hey are you okay!? I hope you're not dead!!" Reki shook the guy terrified on the floor hoping he was okay.

"I'm sure he's fine" I shrugged holding my board.

"He's bleeding from his head how is he fine!!?" Reki yelled at me holding the guys head.

"Not my fault." 

"You're right.. nothing is ever your fault" Reki spoke his voice slightly rising and filling with anger.

"We should get him to a hospit-"

"What did you just say?" I cut Joe's words off walking up to Reki who was kneeled down next to the pimp guy.

"You heard me, nothings ever your fault. You do whatever you want and think it isn't your fault, that you can get away with whatever you want." He turns his head to look at me he looks upset.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I grab his collar pulling him up to my level.

"Y/n stop-" Langa puts his hand on my shoulder.

"No" I smack his arm off me "Tell me now"

"You're an awful person y/n, I don't know why I still hang around you. You damaged this guy he's bleeding and beaten badly and you don't care!!"  He stared daggers at me yelling this time, his voice and emotions were full of such rage and anger I've never seen from him.

His words stabbed straight into my heart.
Why does it hurt so much to hear this from him?

Usually I don't give a shit what anyone thinks.. but when I'm around them I care. I feel so betrayed. It felt like my heart just got stabbed a million times.

My head tilts down as my grip on his collar loosens, hot tears began streaming out of my eyes and down my cheeks, soaking into the cloth that covered my nose and mouth.

"...fuck you.. fuck you Reki.. I hate you." My hands trembled as I look at him. His eyes widen hearing the words that came out my mouth and the tears that flowed out my eyes.

Before thinking I quickly draw my fist to his face punching him.

I let go and Grab my board hoping onto it and skating off going to the junkyard to finish off my coarse.

Once I get there I hear cheering and whispers.

"My my Mochi that was such a wonderful show!!~"

I pause putting onto foot on the ground as I look down still thinking about what Reki said my tears not stoping.

Adam skates around me in a circle doing his usual creepy act and talk.

"What's this? No words today?~" He gently grips my chin putting his other hand on my waist as he tilts my head up at him.

He freezes seeing my reddened puffy eyes, tears flowing down consistently.

Something seemed to have snapped in him, his creepy foolish act stopped turning him into a serious not so creepy man.

"Who has made you cry y/n?" He leans over whispering in my ear.

"I..It's n-none of your business!" I push him off me and fully get on my board riding off going home.

As I'm riding home my heart rate begins to increase, I look down at my hands to notice they're trembling uncontrollably.

I notice a nearby bench that was set in front of a beautiful scenery of the city below, I quickly rode off and get off my board dropping onto my knees as I get on the bench.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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• trillix • ¦ Sk8 The Infinity x ( Female reader )Where stories live. Discover now