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Scarlett knew about the class going on their field trip. She didn't mind it as she was looking forward for the plants, but she doesn't know how Edward feels about it. "I'm fine with it."

"Stop reading my mind." She tells him as he walked over to her.

"It can't be helped."

Scarlett laughed as she held his hand and the two walked off together. She smiled as she looked at him. Today was going to be fun and she was going to enjoy every bit of today with him. No Joesph complaining about Bella since he gets to see her.

Edward looked at the girl beside him making her look at him. "What?"

"Nothing." He tells her as he kissed her head.
At school, everyone was waiting for them to leave. Scarlett arrived with Edward smiling. They didn't say a word as they listened to Alice talking. If it wasn't about shopping, it was about prom. Something that Scarlett hopes that Edward takes her too.

Edward looked at her as he read her mind. "Scar, I will take you to prom if you want to go."

"Do you have something better planned?"


Scarlett squealed as she wanted to know what he is planning. She looked and saw Bella. "I'll be right back." She tells him.

Edward rolled his eyes and followed her. "Hey." Scarlett said.


"How are you after the other day?"

"Just confused."

Scarlett nodded as Edward got behind her. "Bella, this is my boyfriend Edward." She tells her. "Edward, this is Bella."

"Its nice to meet you."

"You too." She said as she looked back at Joseph making them look at him.

Edward sighed and looked at Scarlett. "Its time to get on the bus." He tells her making Scarlett nod.

The two walked away, but Edward glared at his brother as they walked up on the bus. Scarlett looked at him knowing he did something. Edward looked at her and smiled. "Uh huh. You glared at your brother."

"He has her suspicious."
At the greenhouse, Scarlett didn't say a word as she looked at each plant. Edward smiled as he listened to her mind. She kept her promise. To always be the down to earth girl she grown up to be. The girl that stolen his heart on the first day.



"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, baby." He said. "I was just thinking."

Scarlett kissed him. Edward held her close as he kissed back. Joseph and Bella saw making Joseph shake his head.

"It's time for us to go."

Scarlett and Edward pulled away to look at him before they walked away. Scarlett shook her head before laughing as Edward smiled.

"Someone is cranky."

The next day, Scarlett was no where to be seen, which had Edward panicking. Alice was trying to focus on Scarlett's whereabouts when she saw her walk into the bathroom. "She's fine."

Scarlett walked out of the bathroom humming a song that she couldn't get out of her head when Bella walked over to her. Edward saw them talking and heard about a trip to the Rez. He walked over to them with Joseph behind him.

"Sorry, Bella, I have plans with Edward this weekend."

Edward stopped in his tracks shocked that she said that. Bella saw Edward making Scarlett look at him and walk away from Joseph.

"What do we have planned?" He asked.

"You'll see."

Down to Earth-Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now