Twenty one-Epilogue

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Scarlett was shocked that when she woke up the next morning it was just her and Edward. "Where is everyone?"

"Back to Forks." He tells her. "They were trying to guilt trip us into going back, but I refuse to let that happen." 

She smiled as she put her arms around him as they looked out the window. "I think I rather stay here." She tells him. "You, me and the baby in this big old house." Scarlett smiled as she kissed his back. "This is all I ever wanted was for us to be on our own. I love the others, but with all the drama...I can't stand it." 

Edward turned around and looked at her as she smiled. "I have a family I need to think about. The Volturi will be here when you deliver the baby, well, the kings will be here." He tells her. "For now, let's relax and enjoy our time together. 
Eight months later and Edward and Scarlett's house was full of screams. Carlisle got the call that Scarlett was in labor making him leave as soon as they tried to chase Victoria. Edward kissed her head as she looked at him. "Breathe, baby."

"Edward, you deliver this baby now and turn me!"

Edward knew she was fading causing him to get between her legs. He saw his baby's head and knew that she didn't have much to push. Scarlett screamed as she started pushing fromt he contraction. If he knew that Carlisle wasn't going to be here on time, he would have taken her to the hospital. "Edward!"

"Baby, keep pushing." He tells her as she cried out in pain. 

Seeing that his wife finally pushed the baby out, he saw that he had a little girl. "It's a girl."

"Rosia." She says as she slowly started fading. 

Edward held Rosia as she cried. He leaned in and bit his wife's neck. thinking she had enough venom, Edward pulled back and touched her face. "I'll see you in a couple of days."
Two days later, Scarlett woke up to arguing. She got out of the bed and walked downstairs never noticing her appearance. "It took you two damn days!"

"Edward, we had to protect Bella."

"No. That's Joseph's problem. Hell, the Volturi came after I bit my wife." He tells them. "This is exactly why we don't want to come back and Rosia will not be dragged into this."

"I don't see why you guys are here." Scarlett says. "Edward called you four days ago about my contractions and at that time you were chasing Victoria, but yet, somehow, Edward and I ended up having this baby on our own." 

Edward turned and walked over to his wife. "We need to hunt." He says looking at his family. "And you need to be gone by the time we come back. We are taking Rosia with us so she can be with her mother." 

They watched the two go upstairs to get their daughter then hunt. "We screwed up." Esme tells him. "We won't get to see our granddaughter or son and daughter in law for a long time."

"All because Joseph couldn't stay away." Rosalie tells them. "That's just wonderful."

"Let's go, babe." Emmett say taking her hand as they walked out. 

Esme and Carlisle watched Alice and Jasper follow and knew. They were screwed. All four of them are not happy about what happened. All this because they were showing favoritism towards Joseph.
"I believe you were a little harsh."

"No." Edward says as they laid beside the lake with their daughter asleep between them. "I'm just telling them the truth. They didn't come when we actually needed them the most. Aro, Marcus and Ciaus arrived after I bit you. They were surprised by Rosia and told me that they will keep her protected because of what our family done."

"Where were they?"

"I don't know and I don't care." He says. "I have a new family right here. Let's start fresh, baby."

Scarlett smiled as she kissed him. "Let's start fresh. Forever."


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