3| stupid blondie

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"faster i'm already wet." chishiya groaned. (name)'s hands were shaking and her whole body was trembling. "i- i can't..." she whimpered, chishiya suddenly grabbed her hands aggressively. "i'll do it myself."

he opened the umbrella and walked away. "hey! you can't just leave me here dumbass!" (name) shouted, but chishiya didn't listen and kept walking. "wow, what a gentleman." (name) was annoyed, her gaze following chishiya who stole her only umbrella. "oi! chishiya! come back here!" she ran with two plastics in hand, those were the groceries she bought with chishiya. chishiya stopped and turned to face her.

"if you weren't so slow, you-" "you know what, nevermind! i don't need that stupid umbrella!" (name) irritatingly stomped off and left chishiya alone.

"that stupid little blonde." she spat as she put down her groceries on the side of the stove. "who does he think he is anyway!? stealing my umbrella like that... now i'm dripping wet..." she put her hand on her head to her clothes. yup, super wet from the rain. she groaned, irritated before going to take clothes from her closet.

she picked a black hoodie that was given to her by a close friend from japan." there it fits perfectly!" she said as she looked into her mirror. the hoodie was up past her knees, she was comfortable so why not wear it?

"oh, i gotta call her." (name) said upon realizing she hadn't talked to her friend in a while. she put her dirty clothes in laundry basket and picked up her phone. she began facetiming her friend.


"hello?" the other line picked up. "oi rina! you haven't messaged me!" (name) pouted. "i was busy, sorry darling." rina replied. "it's fine. how are you?" y/n asked. "i'm fine, just stressed about school." "i've been there." (name) chuckled. "did you really miss me that much?" rina teasingly raised a brow. "yeah i did. where are the other two, i don't see them anywhere." (name) asked. "i moved out." rina smiled.

"eh? why?" "it's fine, i only moved next door, not that far." rina explained. "but why though?" (name)'s question made rina sigh. "i just can't keep up with them at night. those two are flirty as hell, i can't sleep with them flirting." (name) chuckled. "want me to get them?" rina asked. "yeah, i haven't talked to you guys in a while."

(name) watched as rina leave her room and knock next door. "ray? haru? are you guys there?" rina asked as she knocked even more. "yeah wait a minute rina!" haru's voice can be heard from the inside. "get the door." haru ordered ray. "what? you get it." "no you get it." "alright boys stop fighting i'll just enter, i know the passcode." rina said as she entered the passcode of the door.

"here (name) is calling." rina faced the camera to the two of them. "(name)!" ray waved cutely to the camera while haru just smiled. haru and ray were laying down their bed, looking lazy as usual. "you two never get up from your bed, don't you?" (name) chuckled. "nope i love my bed." ray smiled.

rina, ray and haru all sat down while the camera was placed on a holder, allowing (name) to see a three of them in the same frame.

"so how's life treating you guys?" (name) asked, eating a biscuit. "terrible." the three of them said at the same time. "how about you?" rina asked. "it's fine i guess..."

the four kept on talking about things that happened until...

"so yeah, that when i-"

*knock knock*

"wait a minute." (name) excused herself from the call and stood up to get the door. "who is it?" she asked as she looked through the peep hole. 'it's that blondie again...' she let out a 'tch' before opening the door. "what do you want?" she asked. "here." chishiya handed her the f/c colored umbrella he "stole" earlier. (name) stared at it for a few seconds before slowly getting it as if she was suspecting something from chishiya. "thanks... i guess.."

she closed the door and put the umbrella near the door before sitting down in front of her phone that was standing with the support of a glass. "sorry if that bored you." she apologized. "it's fine, it just took a few minutes." "is that a red spider lily?" (name) pointed at the flower that was placed near the window. "yeah, we bought that a week ago."

"hey what time is it?" ray suddenly asked. "it's 5:30pm why?" "we have a trip today idiot!" "oh fuck i forgot." "what's the hurry?" (name) asked. "we have a place to visit today, sorry bub. see you next time. love you!" rina blew kisses onto the screen as (name) chuckled at how childish her friends were. "alright be safe! bye guys!" "bye!"


the sound came from her door. "what the fuck do you want again chishiya!?" she shouted as she looked into the small monitor attached to the side of her door. "that's not chishiya..." she said as a woman in red dress stood in front of her door, sobbing. "ple- please help me... my cat is missing i-" the woman suddenly stopped speaking. "pardon?" (name) asked. "i- i don't know what to do... please help me." the woman begged. "ma'am, why don't you please go down and ask a gu-" "i said help me!" the woman suddenly screamed, making (name) take one step backwards.

"please calm down ma-" she said. "help me!" the woman shouted even more. the screaming stopped as the woman just stood there, looking at the monitor. "ma'am?" (name) asked once again, but the woman just slowly walked away from. her door. as soon as the woman left, (name) began to take deep breaths, leaning on her door.
"what in the actual fuck is that..." she said in between breaths.

she opened her curtains and window to breathe fresh air but was surprised at the sight before her. buildings on fire, some are even exploding and falling down. helicopters were also spotted. "what..."

"what the fuck is happening?"

(a/n: enjoy the cameo of my ocs from live or die! i actually felt bad for killing ray and haru in that book so i decided to give them a little appearance here. and now! the apocalypse is starting! let's see who will survive and who will die! until next time!)

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