3 | Him

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Stepping out of the plane felt like heaven

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Stepping out of the plane felt like heaven. I won't say the flight was awful, but it definitely could have been better.

The sun was shining brightly and the water puddle next to my feet glittered invitingly. There is a golden glow spread across the sky, taking all of my sadness and stress away within seconds. Palm trees swayed gently in the breeze of the warm tropical sun.

"Lilith we're over here!" My mom shouts, how did my parents already end up near the entrance of the airport?

I wave my hand to signal that I can hear them since screaming is not something I plan on doing here. I take my sister's hand as we both walk over to my two excited parents.

Once we get to where they are I can finally take in my surroundings more. The diversity in the airport made me happy, back in LA, I only really see rich white teens who have no other life than social media. Was that mean? I hate being mean.

My parents kept walking while I was looking around the airport so I started panicking when I couldn't see them.

I started walking around, trying to find my family. When I finally see them sitting down on a bench, I quickly jog over.

"Mom, how are we going to get to Oahu? Are we driving?" My sister questions, her voice reeking in impatience.

"We're going to drive. It should only take 30 minutes." My dad answers instead of my mom because she looks too interested in the magazine. We are finally able to hang out as a family and she is stuffing her face in a bathing suit models magazine. Fantastic.

After about 10 minutes of just sitting here and waiting for my mom, she stands up.

"Okay, I am done looking, wanna get going? Hunny, what time is it?" She asks my dad, not caring about what My sister and I think.

"Yeah sure, and it's." He pulls out his phone from his pocket to check the time. "6:32 pm."

"Great, just enough time to enjoy the sunset. Let's get going guys!"

We walk over to a center that is dedicated to rental car pick-ups. We got a plain, light blue, and disgusting honda that reeked of cigarettes.

"Ew, why does it stink?" My sister's whiny voice fills the air.

"It was the cheapest one here. The reviews looked nice so I don't know why. Let's just have a good time and forget about this car. It does not define us as a family." My mom proudly exclaims. She probably thinks that was some amazing speech.

Once we pack all of our suitcases into the car, we head our way to the rental house. apparently, this house was at the top of the market for a while. We were the first ones to ask for it for the summer, so the owners gave it to us. It's very big, five bedrooms with a bathroom connected to each, 5 other bathrooms that are not connected to any bedrooms, and to top all of that off, there is a grand kitchen that looks like the ones on cooking shows. Absolutely gorgeous I must say.

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