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Edited 30/05/2016

The pain of Silence, the pain of everything slipping through your fingers. As You wish that you had more time. Here I am, sitting in the hospital, listening to the annoying tone of a flat line. A few doctors ran in the room, telling me that I had to get out So they can do what they could.

The doctor yelled "clear," as they tried to revive my mother, Who was laying on the bed, unresponsive.
At That moment, one thing came to mind. It should be me there. If I had driven the car instead of her, she would've been standing here instead.
After a few more tries, there was Nothing more that they could do, she was gone, for good.

The empty feeling that was left was unbearable.....

*Two months later*

" Scar, look How big you've grown!" my aunt said hugging me tight. I hugged her back, before pulling away to give her a smile, I haven't seen her in a while, since my mom's funeral two months ago, I agreed do come and live with her here in England.
My mother and I used to come here for holidays. Like around Christmas Time since she was the closest sibling to my mother. Though I missed my Aunt Raven, it's painful to see her, she looks so much like my mother, the same brown hair and grey eyes. The same carefree attitude, it's not hard to see my mom in her.

''I'm sorry, about Stacy," she says, sadness swarming her eyes, I nod sadly, looking back at her.

"Well, come on, Let's go before it gets dark,'' she said picking up my bags and putting them in the trunk.
Thanking her, I got into the backseat, closing the door of her blue Ford. Looking up at the sky that was slowly changing colours.

She climbed in and started the car up and we drove away from the airport .

We were driving a few miles now. It's almost six, I just sat in the backseat, watching the trees go by, the wind blowing my red hair all over, finally getting tired of the long mass of hair i tie it up.

We pasted a few buildings, some stores and a library, "I know you you like to read and stuff, So you can visit the library any time," she said keeping her eyes on the road, probably in attempt to lift my sprits, which I must say did help a bit.

I smiled and muttered a ''Thank you,'' before going back to staring out the window, my grey eyes trying to take in every detail of the place.

We got to the house familiar white house, it was well after eight. I felt as though the road had became longer since I visited, but I guess I have to get used to it, now that I'd be living here.

"Scar, you go ahead inside, I'll get your stuff," she said handing my the house keys. I took it with a small smile, and walked to the porch, unlocking the door and I walked straight upstairs to the room I stayed in when I was younger. Aunt Raven came upstairs a few minutes later, and placed my suitcases next to the white closet, I looked around the small room, the walls were painted purple, with white drapes. My bed was a light shade of blue, with little black patterns on it, just as I remember, I walk over to the bed, picking up a framed picture of my mom, Aunt Raven and myself when we came last year. Everything was so simple last year, Happy, nothing went wrong.

I sat on the bed, "Scarlet, if you're hungry, you can come downstairs," she said leaning against the doorframe, watching me carefully.

Shaking my head I look at her, "No thanks, I'm alright, I think I'll just turn in," though I'm a bit hungry, I just don't feel like eating right now.

She nodded understandingly, closing the door softly behind her as she left.

I sighed, got up and walked to one of my suitcases to get something comfortable to sleep in. Pulling out a pair of shorts and an old tee, I change. Lying down as the need for sleep got to me, my eyes slowly close, and the darkness pull me into a dreamless sleep
Like I said, no big changes, just a few here and there, the chapter is still a bit short, sorry about that.
So, thanks for sticking with me.
Love, you ♥

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