|24| and Important message

245 25 13

Edited 29/01/2017


I stand in the same place I've been for an hour, with no word from the group, except that Scarlet and Tori had made it out safely. At least they're making progress, Anthony and Xeric had both kept to themselves, in turn leaving me to my own thoughts. Mikhail said for me to stay where I was, just in case something comes my way. "You know, you guys should get out of here now. You got the girl so there's no reason for you to even stay here." Xeric says approaching me, I look up from where I was, Xeric was looking at me with a serious look in his eyes, but I shake my head. "Even if I wanted to leave, I wouldn't. I got strict orders from my Beta to stay put. And I'm not leaving here without them" I answer, folding my arms over my chest defiantly. "Loyalty, I like that." Xeric muses, I look up the hall for any sign of movement, finding none, I look over at Anthony. "Aren't you two going to get persecuted for this? I mean, turning your backs on the higher ups." I says, looking between the two older men. "You are helping the enemy. I'm sure that's some kind of treason." I finish
"We were never with the council to begin with. We both joined for different reasons. The council isn't like it was before," Anthony says, shaking his head a little, Xeric nods in agreement. "Ever since that boy came about, things around here changed. This place was more like a giant family, but that was when Vladimir was council leader. But when they locked him up, they locked up the rights of our species. And those iniquitous shits has no right to call themselves a council." Xeric scowls, angrily glaring at the floor. Anthony sighs, leaning up against the wall, shaking his head again. "I will never understand that boy's ulterior motives. I don't see the problem in a human and werewolf relation, it's not like we choose our mates. His mother was a human also."
"So he's a half breed. This is getting confusing..." I mutter, scratching the back of my head.
"There's something big coming kid. And you guys are set in the middle of it." Xeric says, watching me carefully.
"You don't have to tell me that, I already know what's coming. It's just to be ready when it does."

I sit on the bed in the infirmary, looking around at the various medical equipment. The doctor, Mason said that I'll be fine after I get some rest. I managed to escape with nothing but a few scratches and bruises, and a headache that is currently increasing. So right now, sleep sounds really good. I sigh, I never liked doctors, but Mason is okay, he assured me that everything is fine and that he has his medical degree and the certificate to prove it. He left a moment ago, to go and run over a few things with Lucian.
The door opens after a soft knock, the brunette girl from easier comes in, flashing me a kind smile. Elizabeth.. her name was I think. The brown haired girl stays at the door, looking unsure of herself, like she didn't know weather or not to speak.
"Hello." I say first, raising my hand in a small wave, Elizabeth sighs, "Hey, how're you feeling?" she walks into the room, sitting on the chair next to the bed I was in, watching me carefully. "I'm alright, Thank you," I answer, Elizabeth's brown eyes bore into mine, "Are you worried?"
Am I? Of course, I'm worried for all of them. They risked their lives to come get me, and now it looks like I've caused more trouble than necessary. "Don't worry, they'll be back okay." she gives a reassuring smile, patting my knee in a comforting manner. Someone clears their throat, "Luna, I think it's best If the girl gets her rest before anything else." Mason says as he enters the room quietly, keeping the door open so Elizabeth can make her way out. She nods, getting off the chair, putting it back where it belonged. "You're the Luna?"
"Yeah, and I'm still not used to everyone calling me that. Just Lizzie please, it's more comfortable that way," she chuckles, "And that idiot you saw outside, that's my mate. Don't let him scare you, he's a real softy, trust me." she laughs, the contagious sound causing me to as well. "Rest well okay?" We share a wave as she leaves, closing the door behind her. Mason comes over to me, putting two pills in my hand, "For the headache, It'll put you out, so just relax and let sleep take you" he says simply, handing me a glass of water, I take the pills. Taking a breath before leaning back into the bed, doing what Mason said, closing my eyes, letting sleep take me.


Okay guys, I've finally finished the editing process of this book. And a few changes has been made. I am going to try and put the ending into two chapters or one.
Seeing that it's about time this old thing here gets done. Now, about my edits, I know that some of them don't pop up in the right place in the book for you guys, so I'll need you to delete the book and then re-download it into your library in order for the chapters to be in their correct places.
The old chapters will be deleted also.
Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote, and you lot stay sweet ❤

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