
293 30 4

Edited 08/01/2017


"No, it's okay you're fine." I say, smiling down at the small child who just fell running from his sibling. We're all basically human when we're born, just up until our first shift when the werewolf gene makes itself known, so the young ones tend to bruise a whole lot easier. The boy sniffles and nods, "Take him to Mason and have it looked at okay?"
As the children walk back to the house, a small voice calls from behind me. "Luna?" I turn to look at the girl, Tori stood wringing her hands nervously. Still not used to being called that, I nod for her to continue, it's quite rare to see her out of the house, within the past few weeks she's been here, she was mostly cooped up in Mikhail's room. I had took her out sometime ago to get some clothes and other needed things so she'd stop stealing Mikhail's. "You haven't seen Mikhail have you?"
I sigh, I knew he wouldn't tell her, just to make sure she stays out of the trouble. "Um..." I begin, not sure if I should tell her. "He left with the others to go get some things done with the council.." I say, quiet enough so she could hear me. She looks up at me, surprise flashing in her eyes. "I want to help."
"I'm sorry, but you can't. Lucian said you aren't supposed to leave the area." I say, placing a hand on her shoulder, which she gently brush off. "No, I have to. You don't understand, the people that work for them. They took everything from me, and this isn't for my personal vendetta. I can help, I know my way through that place." Sighing I gently take hold of her arm, leading her inside and around to the back, being sure to avoid other people. "Just.. just be careful okay?" I say letting her go, she nod, giving me a thankful smile before going off the way the boys left not to long ago. I turn to go back inside, praying that the girl doesn't get into too much trouble or none at all. I come face first into someone's chest,looking up to see Lucian's blue eyes gazing down at me. "And where is she going?" he questions like he didn't already know. He raises his eyebrows at me, and I sigh in defeat, "To help the boys."
"She wasn't supposed to leave the house, you knew that. She can easily get herself killed. Since her pact cast her out, they'd be on her back. And I am well aware that Night Shadow is working for the high council, it wouldn't be the first time."


"This is where the trail ends." I mutter, Scarlet's scent stopping dead at a steel door to an underground passageway in an unknown part of the forest way beyond our borders. "You know people don't go against the council, that in itself is treason. And I'm so in," Geo says, grinning at me, I chuckle in response, glance behind me as footsteps approach. Tori steps out and looks between the four of us before chuckling to herself, "Hi."
I watch Mikhail narrow his green eyes at her, "What are you doing out here? Weren't you told to stay put?" He asks, the worry for her well being clear in his tone, she nods but points to the steal door behind us. "Oh no you're not. Go home."
"I know this place better than any of you, you're going to need me." She says, raising her eyebrows at him, but he shakes his head still, telling her to go back. And she does so without question, turning back. She walks back the way she came, until she was out of view. "Well that was too easy." Gabriel comments.
"She's stubborn she'll come back."
After we got the door to open, we climb down a ladder, dropping down into a dimly lit hall. It stretches down on both sides, turning off at the corners, separate halls going left and right. Someone whistling comes down the hall, a man clad in leather, walking with confident strides, and he hasn't seen us yet. He keeps his tune going, slowly looking up, "Oh.." he says, his whistle trailing off as he stared at us. "Uh-Oh." he says this just before I advance on him, pinning him against the wall, lifting him high enough for his feet to dangle a little ways off the concrete floor. "Where is she?" I ask, the man  blows his long sandy blond hair from his brown eyes, smirking down at me. "Why should I tell you? You and your three musketeers are trespassin'," His southern accent was thick, and he chuckles darkly squinting over at my other three companions, "She's alive. For now anyways." he says between gritted teeth, baiting me to do something, smiling when anger flashes in his eyes. Mikhail comes up behind me putting his hand on my shoulder, stopping his me from doing anything rash. "Let's not get any blood on our hands here Rafael." He says, pulling me back gently, though my hold on the man didn't loosen. I considered killing the bastard, but like Mikhail said, I don't want any blood on my hands, at least not yet anyway.
I let the man down, but of course not without knocking him unconscious. Leaving him to slump against the wall, in a manner that looked no way comfortable. "Okay, we split up. Geovani and Gabe will go that way, and we'll go this way." Mikhail says, pointing over his shoulder, nodding at his brother and Geovani, a silent signal to be safe.


Anthony leads me down a few corridors, back to my cell. When I questioned, he said it was to not raise suspicion, and he would head back to the council room until he can come back and get me. And I don't blame him, I wouldn't want him to get into to trouble on my behalf.
He reassured me that he will be back, before closing the door, leaving me yet again to the darkness of my own thoughts. I sit on the floor, not minding the dirt  just shrugging it off, my jeans was already dirty anyway.
I couldn't help buy wonder how long it'd be before I get out, if I was going to get out.
I jump to the sound of a thud outside the door. And then it opens again, a short brown haired girl standing in the doorway. "Hello there. I'm here to help."


Everything so far was done; securing the area, checking on everyone. I sigh, squinting my eyes at the setting sun, it's getting late.
Night Shadow is getting bolder, this wouldn't be the first time they use a distraction to get everyone off their game. And taking the girl could be just that, a distraction. "Are you alright?" Elizabeth puts her small hand on my arm, dark eyebrows furrowed, her brown eyes showing worry. I nod, "You seemed pretty deep in your head there." she smiles, looking up at me.
"I'm fine."
She raises her eyebrows at my response, "Can't you just admit you're worried?" She lets out huff of air as she folds her arms and looks at me, "Why do you always make it look like you're all tough? I can see through that you know. People are going to start thinking you're a robot. I know you're worried about Rafael and the others."
"I am not." I defend, "They'd be fine on their own, unless something comes up. Tori on the other hand, I don't know what she's capable of, she's not supposed to be out there in the first place."
Elizabeth rolls her eyes at me, taking hold of me hand, pulling me back towards the house. "Renee wanted you to tuck her in. She said she wouldn't sleep if you don't. She made a vow to keep the whole house up." Elizabeth laughs, looking up to see my uncertain expression. I tried bonding with the child a few times, which was going fine, but she doesn't talk much. She more liked to keep to herself, which of course ultimately made me give up, but now she wants me to tuck her in.
"You'd be fine. Trust me, she likes you. She just has a little trouble expressing her genuine emotions. I'm working on that."
We walk to the house, meeting the small child already standing at the bottom of the staircase, waiting patiently for the both of us. Clad in her pajamas already, smiling when she saw us.
"Ready for bed?" Elizabeth asks, to which the dark haired girl nods, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Elizabeth lifts up the five year old, walking up the stairs with her to her room. "C'mon don't stand there all night."

Okay guys hi! So just a few more edited chapters to go, before I finally wrap this book up and label it completed! A lot of plans have changed in order to finish this.
Then I could edit the Blood moon Sequel, I'll be renaming it too and with how the first one is going, I'm really excited to start the next part. School starts back tomorrow, and I'll try to finish up Wolf's mate and Blood moon as quickly as possible, so we can start anew this year, and I've got quite a few story ideas already planned out.
Until my next update (edit) 
You lot stay sweet ❤

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