Chapter 9

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"Braylen-" I said trying to get a word in but he cut me off again. "It's not fair Messiah. We've been fucking for like 2 month and you're the only person I've been talking to." I sighed. "I know but Braylen I don't want a relationship right now" "but why?" He said sounding like he was about to cry.

I felt bad for leading him on but when we started messing around we said no feelings attached. It's not my fault. "Braylen we said no feelings attached" "I know but I like you" now it sounded like he was balling his eyes out. I don't know what to do when people cry so it was just an awkward silence on my end.

"I can't see a future with you and I don't want to waste your time" "we can at least give it a try" I sighed again for the hundredth time on this phone call. "I can't" "is it because of Justus?" Now it was completely silent. "You said there was noting going on between you two" "I didn't lie" "well why can't we be together?" I was silent. "It is Justus, I hope you realize that he ain't shit and you'll get your heart broke in the end, hell the nigga isn't even gay"

I was silent for a second. "Braylen we can still be friends I just don't want a relationship" "do you think I'm just gonna wait on the side like I'm some hoe? Do you think I'm a hoe?" He asked. "No, I never said that, now you're over doing it, Braylen" "over doing it?- you know what lose my number" and with that he hung up.

I tossed my phone on the side of me and took a deep breath. It wasn't my fault that he caught feelings after our agreement. I specifically told him I didn't want a relationship type thing and he said he was perfectly fine with that due to him just getting out of a relationship.

But I'm glad we ended this before he got deeper in his feelings. It's been maybe two weeks since I dropped Justus off at his house. After that little conversation we had in the car he started acting a little weird at work but he doesn't think so.

When I brought it up he claimed he was going to bust a cap in my ass If I kept asking him questions.

other than that he didn't really talk to me until Sunday. He asked me to help him move in his apartment. Well he basically told me too but I didn't say yes until he asked the correct way.

He was all whining and shit because he didn't want to say please but in the end he ended up saying it. I was really going to do it either way I just wanted to see if he would listen to me.

Devonte and this other dude was there to help too.

Today is Thursday and I called off of work. I had to stay home because Delilah had a cold. She rarely ever got sick but when she did it was bad.

I heard my door open and I looked at a sleepy looking Delilah with her curly hair all over the place. I need to do her hair. "I threw up" she said sounding like she was about to cry. She hated throwing up.

I looked at her clothes and noticed that they were also covered in throw up. I mentally sighed. "Come on so you can get cleaned up." I said grabbing her hand and taking her to take a quick bath. After that was all settled I put her on clean pajamas.

I put her in my room waiting for her to go to sleep because she didn't want me to leave. When she finally went to sleep I went to go clean up the mess from her room and wash her Moana themed covers.

I straightened up the house a little bit because there wasn't really nothing else for me to do. I was going to call my old friend Ariana because I haven't talked to her in a couple of months but I decided against it not wanting her to talk me to death right now.

I decided to FaceTime Justus. He should be at work but knowing him he either skipped it or left early. I wasn't expecting him to answer for me but it was worth a shot. When it got to the fourth ring I was going to hang up until his face popped up on the screen.

"Hello?" He said sounding annoyed. I heard a lot of back round noise which definitely meant he wasn't at work. "Where you at?" He sucked his teeth. "Why you wanna know where I'm at? Nigga where you at?" He said throwing my question back at me.

He sounded high as hell. "Home" it was quiet for a while. "I'm at the trap" he said. I nodded. "Yo, put your face in the camera." I said. I was currently looking at his forehead and the worn down walls behind him.

He seemed to be laying down on a couch or something. He huffed and repositioned the phone so I could see his face. "You high?" I asked finally seeing his red eyes. He did a goofy smile. "A little bit" I sucked my teeth. "Nigga it look like you're on a whole different planet what did you smoke?" He shrugged. "I smoked with Von before he left and a little after that I smoked with Reem"

I nodded my head slowly. I don't know who Reem is but it's probably the dude who was there when I helped him move. "Oh then I ate three edibles" he said holding up four fingers. "That's four fingers" I said shaking my head. He fixed it.

"And why would you take three edibles and smoke?" "The edibles weren't kicking in fast enough so I thought they were wack so I ate more"

I was going to say something about that being irresponsible but someone started talking "Aye bro you want a perc?" I heard someone in the back say. I saw Justus look to the side so I'm guessing he was talking to him.

"Justus you better not take no perc" I said. He looked back at the camera and mugged me. "Nigga you ain't my daddy" "Justus you already high as hell. You don't need no perc" he sucked his teeth. "I'm grown...I do what I want"

This nigga was trying to kill himself at this point and he don't like listening to nobody. "Okay do what you want" I said hanging up on him. I wasn't going to be on the phone with him while he doing dumb shit. Not even 5 seconds later he called me back.

I answered on the last ring. "Nigga don't hang up on me" he Said mugging me. "What you want?" I said sighing. "I won't take it now what do you want to talk about?" He said rolling his eyes. I smiled a bit.

"Fuck is you smiling for? What you even call me for in the first place?"

"I can't just call you?" I said licking my lips. "That's kind of gay" I sucked my teeth. "Why wasn't you in work today?" "Awe you was looking for me?" I said.

"No, now answer the question" "Delilah is sick so I had to keep her home from Daycare" he nodded. I looked at the top of my phone to look at the time. "Shouldn't you be at work?" "I should but it was boring so I left." "J, that's not how jobs work"

"Did I ask?" I brushed off his little sassy comment. "When you gon' stop playing with me?" I said. It seemed like that question caught him off guard. "Huh?" I sucked my teeth. " I know you heard what I said" "what you mean?" I sucked my teeth again.

"J, stop playing" "I'm not" I huffed. I dismissed the subject before he could get mad. We started talking about other random stuff and minor family things. He told me about his dad a little and when I asked about his mom he said it's fuck her.

I didn't really say much about my family other than telling him my mom lives in a different state and my dad has been in jail for 5 years he actually gets out in 10 months according to my mom.

My dad went to jail for aggravated assault. He found out one of the family close friends, Martin, was touching on Mayla when she was twelve. She was scared to tell and four years later when Dad found out he nearly killed Martin.

After talking for maybe two hours he started to sound like he was tired.

"You tired?" I asked. "Nah" I could tell he was lying. Not even five minutes later he was sleep. I hung up the phone and immediately got a text from him.

J💕🙃- Fuck you

Messiah🖕🏾😐- you were sleep

Read at 7:37 PM

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