Extra #1

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Third person POV-

"Dad my friend is coming over so please be nice to him." Delilah said cautiously to Justus. He raised his eyebrow.

"Him?" He asked making sure he heard this right.

"I have a boyfriend. And I-,"

Justus immediately looked at his Husband who was smiling at his daughter. She's growing up.

"Did you know this?"

Messiah laughed as put his arm around Justus. "Ain't shit funny Messiah-,"

"No cussing and daddy said I could!" Delilah never stopped reminding someone to not cuss when she was around. That was one of the many things she still did from when she was a kid.

"Baby she's seventeen now. She can have a boyfriend."

Jaylen came down the stairs to join his family, getting tired of being alone in his room. He walked over to the three silently questioning what was going on.

"Jaylen did you know?" Justus asked. Jaylen looked up at his dad.

Jaylen is well aware that Justus is his brother and Messiah wasn't his dad but he stuck with calling them them his dads because they are his dads.

"Know what?" He said in his naturally soft voice. Jaylen is now thirteen going on fourteen in a couple of months. "Your sister got a boyfriend." Jaylen looked over at Delilah who huffed.

Jaylen looked over at his older sister mugging her. He looked just like Justus.

"No," he said as he stood by Justus side. Siding with him.

"Dad! You wouldn't do this if Jaylen was talking to girls or boys."

"Boys, I only like boys now." Jaylen corrected her.

"You be talking to these little boys?" Justus now turned his attention to Jaylen. He huffed not knowing what he would be doing what these kids. He didn't want them to grow up.

Jaylen shook his head no quickly. He was being honest. He wasn't talking to anybody, he could barley even make friends at school. "You better not be." Justus warned.

"Leave them be, Justus their growing up. We have a freshman and a Junior. There's nothing we can do about it."


"No 'buts' J."

Justus sucked his teeth.

"Pops you just gonna let her do that?" Jaylen asked. He started calling Messiah pops instead.

"Jaylen, she's seventeen."

"I know but-," 

"No 'buts' from you either Len." Jaylen huffed crossing his arms. The two mad boys looked identical. Delilah looked down at her phone and smiled. "He's outside," she said rushing to open the door.

When Delilah's came back in Jaylen and Justus stared into the boy soul.

"Kyle, these are my dads and my little brother Jaylen." Delilah introduced. The boy awkwardly smiled as he was intimated by Justus and Jaylen's stares. "I'm sorry about them, I'm Messiah." He held his hand out to shake the teenage boy's hand.

"Nice to me you, sir." He politely said.

Messiah nudged Justus making him dramatically sigh.

"I'm Justus." He said blandly.

"Uh nice to meet you, sir." He hesitantly put out his hand for Justus to shake but he ignored it. Kyle looked like he was about to piss his pants. He looked over to Jaylen who wasn't paying him any mind.

"How long have you've been dating Delilah?"

"Four months, sir." He answered quickly.

Justus glared at Messiah for keeping this from him so long. Messiah shrugged. He didn't know they were dating that long he just knew Delilah was talking to someone.

"How old are you?" Jaylen finally spoke.

"I'm 17, si-," he stopped not sure if he should call Jaylen sir or not.

"When's your birthday?"

"Dad!" Delilah finally cut in. "I'm just asking. I can't get to know my daughters boyfriend?"

"One last question," Justus asked.

"Have y'all kissed?" Justus and Jaylen said at the same time. Jaylen's was barely heard though.

The boy immediately shook his head no. Justus sighed of relief. Jaylen nodded approvingly. It's just a innocent relationship.

"Wait I have one mor-," Messiah grabbed Justus hand and pulled him away.

"Come on, Len. Leave your sister alone."

Jaylen looked back one more time before he made his way back up to his awfully quiet room. He hated the quiet but he also loved it. He just didn't like the quiet that aloud him to drown himself in his thoughts.

Messiah noticed that Jaylen didn't follow him and Justus so he went to Jaylen's room.

"You want to watch a movie with us?"

Jaylen immediately nodded his head getting up from his bed walking towards his parents room. He walked into the room seeing Justus pouting with the nine year old cat in his lap.

Speaking of their pets, Honey had sadly passed two years ago at the age of 14. Cloud is 12 and at the moment he's not doing too well himself. They took him to multiple vet appointments and they might just have to put him down.

"I think we should go check on them," Justus started to get up before Messiah pushed him back down.

"We just got up here. In an hour we will check on them okay?"

"Do you know what could happen in an hour, Messiah?" Justus asked his husband.

"Jaylen, what do you think?" Justus turned towards his son.

"Every 30 minutes?" He suggested.

"I like that. Yeah every 30 minutes." Justus said turning back to the TV. Jaylen sat in the middle of his father's.

"I don't know what y'all going to do when she gets married." Sighing at the over protective two.

"Huh?" They said at the same time making Messiah laugh.

They're a happy family.

The book is overrr. Should I do a sequel about Jaylen?

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