sleeping beauty - Saiouma

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Saihara's obsession goes overboard when he's met with a sleeping Ouma.

[10 AM , class]

Why was his breathing so heavy? Shuichi didn't know why he couldn't stop the racing in his chest.

He couldn't stop staring at Kokichi; when he was focused, he was even more breathtaking.
Shuichi kept staring at his delicate hand grasping his graphite crayon,brushing it against the white sheet of paper. Kokichi had such girly fingers; he wondered how they would feel against his skin. Would they be soft? Warm? Cold? He had yet to find out.

Suddently, Shuichi senses a pair of eyes on him. Panicked, he looks away almost instantly.
"D-do you need anything Saihara-kun?" A soft stuttering voice questioned.With a panicked grin, Shuichi gazed at the purple-haired boy. "N-no , no Ouma-kun..."

The bell rang and the class evacuated, including Kokichi.


There was something wrong with Shuichi. His eyes swirled in the most malicious way, like they were ridden with despair. He had been following Kokichi home every day for the past two and a half years and here he was... following the small boy home again.Every day, Kokichi would take the same route home, passing through park.Then, Kokichi would pass through a small alley to get home. Shuichi would follow him, maintaining a safe distance from him.It would be bad if Kokichi found out; What would he think about Shuichi? Would he see him as a creep?

Oh well , whatever, it's worth it to take risks, especially if it's for his beloved Ouma-kun~

[1:00 AM, nightime]

Silly Ouma. You left your window unlocked again. What happened to being cautious?

Shuichi cautiously opened the same window as usual, making sure not to make too much noise.He entered ouma's dark room carefully, which was only lit by the light from the window he had just previously opened.

Here was his beloved Ouma-kun, soundly sleeping, completely oblivious to the stalker present in his room. Ouma's eyes were closed softly and peacefully, as if he were a sweet innocent angel. His body wasn't covered by his bedsheets, so Saihara could see the entire boy in his glory. Saihara had never been this close before, and it was getting to his head. The way Ouma breathed was just too cute, the way that Ouma slept was just too adorable, and the way that Ouma smelled? Saihara could help but get hard.

" S-so cute" Shuichi whispered, getting closer to the sleeping boy.

He wished he could help himself to his lover's adorable face right then and there. Or maybe he could?

Saihara looked down at Ouma's lower half. Surely a peek wouldn't hurt, right? Slowly and carefully, Saihara hooked his fingers around Ouma's waistline, dragging down both his pants and underwear slowly. Ouma was so small, even down there, it was much too cute...! Saihara had to get a taste!

Leaning down, Saihara positioned his mouth right under Ouma's genitals and took a deep gulp of air. The more Saihara smelled, felt, and saw Ouma, the more strain was put on his pants. Saihara let out a small moan, Ouma smelled as good as he looked! And Saihara couldn't deny how hot Ouma looked when he was unconscious...

Saihara took his tongue and placed it at the base of Ouma's penis, licking from the base to the very tip. Ouma let out a soft groan, making Saihara freeze in his tracks. What if Ouma woke up? If Ouma woke up, chances are that Saihara would never be able to talk and bond with Ouma. Ouma would do everything in his power to avoid Saihara, and that was the last thing Saihara wanted!

After Ouma had stopped moving again, Saihara circled his tongue on Ouma's tip, watching his face carefully. If Ouma showed any signs of waking up, maybe Saihara would try and run for it. Or maybe he'd just keep going. Saihara placed his right hand on Ouma's hip, rubbing soft circles into it. His left hand was busy fondling Ouma's balls and the base of his dick. Saihara's mouth was occupied by the upper half of Ouma's penis.

Ouma let out a soft groan again, his dick getting harder as time went on. Saihara took his left hand off of Ouma's lower area, and reached into his own pants to try and spare himself some relief.

Saihara slowly took Ouma's halfly erect dick in his mouth, slowly going down. Saihara flinched when Ouma's dick brushed the back of his throat, but Saihara's gag reflex wasn't very strong. He kept going. After what felt like forever, Saihara had Ouma's entire penis in his mouth and his throat. Ouma felt a lot bigger than he looked...!

Saihara brought his head up, letting Ouma's now nearly fully erect member free. He spread Ouma's legs open, sucking on his own fingers. After he felt like he had gotten enough spit on his fingers, he slowly inserted one inside of Ouma, making Ouma squirm. Saihara stopped, staring at the sleeping boy with wide, fearful eyes. After he was sure that Ouma was still asleep, he kept going. In. Out. In. Out. How was Ouma already stretched out? Saihara prayed that it was Ouma's own doing instead of one of his bullies that would occasionally drag him to the nearest restroom.

Taking his own dick out, Saihara carefully aligned it with Ouma's entrance. He raised Ouma's hips a bit with one hand, not enough to wake Ouma, but enough to make Saihara's job easier. With his other hand, he helped position his dick so it could enter Ouma's entrance.

Saihara slowly pushed in, letting out a soft moan from how good Ouma felt. He heard Ouma groan a bit, making Saihara even more desperate to get off. Saihara pulled out, then slammed back in. He repeated this a few times, his face becoming red and sweaty.

" W-what?"

Saihara froze. He was entirely in Ouma, one of his hands on the bed right next to Ouma's face.

" Saihara-chan... !?"

There was a moment of silence, a few seconds that stretched out to feel like years.

"Yes my beloved Ouma-kun ?~" Saihara said softly, staring directly into Ouma's purple eyes.

" G-get out!I'm calling the police!"

Another moment of silence. What was Saihara thinking when he took off Ouma's boxers? He should have left after seeing Ouma so closely.

As if his life depended on it, which, let's be honest, it probably did, Saihara pulled out of Ouma and sprinted out of the room. "Wait!" he heard Ouma call out. Saihara clumsily pulled on his pants before unlocking and pushing open the front door. Saihara jumped on his motorcycle, turning it on with quick and precise motions.

Before he hit the gas, he saw Ouma by the front door, clutching one of his bedsheets to cover his lower area. " I-ll talk to you about this tommorow! You're fucking weird!" Ouma shouted out to Saihara, who was looking back at Ouma with the most fear anyone has seen in his eyes.

Saihara's eye widened but he was not wasting any more time, Saihara pushed on the gas pedal and drove away, leaving a very confused and slightly flustered Ouma behind.

After all, not even Ouma could deny Saihara's attractiveness.


fun fact i laughed a lot while writing this

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