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(A/N: Please ignore if there are any minor typos ahead, thank you!)

As the snow graces to the ground, my tears did as well. I can't help but to tremble, the person I've been searching for is right here with me in the same school. I closed my eys to recall the memories that i've cherished for the past 50 years.


I woke up in the middle of nowhere, I was lying right in the middle of wilderness. After a couple of minutes, I heard someone rustling in the grass, I immediately hid in case that it's a threat of danger.

"Xiao Chen, you suck!" A boy shouted at his peeer. The boy named Xiao Chen picked up a frog and threw it at the boy who just shouted at him. I'm still watching as they ran away near the place where I am hiding, I was 5 years old, the boys don't seem to look far from my age, so I suppose that we're almost as the same age. I followed them until I reached a gate entering the city.

"5 turnips for 2 silver coins!"

"Toys for kids!"

"3 freshly baked buns for 2 coins!"

The market was very active at this hour, I roamed around the city and beggged for food and water, I have no choice, I'm so hungry and parched at the same time.

"Hey! You Beggar!" I don't even know if he was pertaining to me, but I responded out of reflex. "Why are you here? You're not from here right?" It was Hao Xian, the boy who got thrown a frog at. I didn't respond, for I don't know what to say. "Come with me!" I followed him without even knowing his intentions, from this point I only know his name.

Until we reached a huge mansion, I don't know the parts of the house but I think that he directed me into the kitchen. He fetched some water and aggresively handed me the water, I looked at him. "What? You don't want it? I'll drink it then, you're not the only one who's thirsty" I grabbed the water even before the tip went to his mouth. I saw him smirked with my peripheral view, "I thought you're being picky" he turned away from me. He picked up 2 pieces of buns and gave me the other one, this time I didn't hesitate, cause I'm really that hungry.

While eating, he keeps in interrogating me. "How did you get here?" I just kept on eating, all the words I hear are invalid if I'm hungry. "Who are you? From which clan are you?" I still didn't respond, until he snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Hey? Are you even listening?" I stopped eating and finally Responded, "Ling Hao". He nodded, he stood up and held my hand. "Where are we going?" He didn't answered me back and we just kept on running, until I saw a big door leading into a room, this must be the office of this young master's father.

"Father, I saw him outside, his name is name is Ling Hao" he shouted as we got in the room. I didn't really saw his Father's face, be he nodded and Hao Xian just grabbed me and once again, we're running. "Where are you taking me?" I asked him while I was looking back over my shoulder to take a glance of his father's face. "You'll see when we get there, just shut up." I didn't object since I have nothing to say.

"Jin Hao Xian!" I still can't process on why his father let me, a beggar, enter their mansion, and there's a person yelling again. "A'Xian, who' this boy?" She looked at me with a big smile on her face, "His name is Ling Hao, I found him begging in the streets, and brought him here." His sister just smiled at me, at this point I don't know if I should get scared or what. A wealthy man allowing me to enter his mansion, and now a sister that's seems delighted to see me.

The two brought me into their room. "Here's your bed, you'll be sleeping with us now, are you happy?" I just looked at them and spoke out the truth about me. "To be honest, I don't know who am I, and where I came from." I looked down, ever since I woke up in that forest, I don't remeber anything but my own name. "It's okay, we're your new family now!" What? That fast? Aren't hey afraid that maybe i'm a son of a bandit? But anyway, I just smiled cause i don't have to think about how am I going to eat everyday, I just wonder how this family just accepted me on their family.

"A'Wei! A'Xian! it's dinner time, get here quickly!" We all turned around as a woman called Sister Wei and Hao Xian. Sister Wei held my hand and walked with me until we get to the kitchen. I roamed my eyes in this big dining area, they're really lavish. "Come here A'Hao, here's your seat." The woman who called us earlier is also the one who gave me my meal, she smiled at me and I did as well. "I'm Wang PeiJing, you can call me Madam Wang." I nodded as  response, I don't talk that much 'cause I feel that I'm not entitled to talk, It's even enough that they gave me food to eat, I should behave myself.

"Ling Hao, you'll be staying here starting today." The clan leader uttred without looking at me. Sister Wei, Hao Xian, and Madam Wang glanced at me, as if they're waiting for me to answer. "Yes clan leader Jin" I responded, and they started eating, so I also ate my food.

"Thanks for the food Mother!" The two shouted out of gratitude, they really have a big respect towads their mother, I wonder if I was also that respectful on my own mother. "Ling Hao let's go!" Hao Xian grabbed my hand and now we're running again, I never get the chance to walk when I'm with this little guy, tch. We just got into the roo, and this Jin Xiao Chen started wrestling me all of a sudden. "Ling Hao, try to pin me down!" We just ate and this is what he's doing? "Is that all what you got?" i had enough and pinned him down in an instant. "Wah Ling Hao, your name suits you, you're GOOD." Sister Wei walked into the room, "That's enough you two, sleep now, we have class tomorrow." Huh, class?


We're all ready to go, the two kids bid their parents goodbye, I bowed as a sign or respect, Madam Wang slightly patted my head. The three of us hopped into the carriage, "Sister where are we going?" Sister Wei smiled at me, "We're going to the academy, you'll have lots of fun, you'll see when we get there." I just nodded and turned my head away, i peeked outside by the window, there are lots of children running, I think we're near the academy.

Not long after, we reached this big arch. "Chiang Da Xia?" I uttered under my breath, then we got off the carriage. "A'Hao come with me, I'll directt you to your room." Sister Wei is holding me with her left hand, while she has Hao Xian on her right. The eyes are all on me when we entred the room, but this kid got my attention, he's not just looking, he looks so furious, I wonder what he wants?

"A'Hao! Here!" Hao Xian called me at tapped the seat beside him, as if he wanted me to sit with him. I walked towards the chair, I was about to sit down when "OUCH!" The kid looking at me kicked the chair where I was about to sit! "Ji Xiao Chen! Why did you do that?" The boy Xiao Chen looked at me and yelled.


Wow, so this is what they call 'fun' huh?

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