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(A/N: Please ignore if there are any minor typos ahead, thank you!)


Wow, so this is what they call 'fun' huh? I just stood up, as I lift my head, the class hass been so noisy. "Don't touch my brother!" Hao Xian is now strangling Xiao chen. "Call Master Jiu! Quick!" A student shouted, "What is happening here?" the girl who called the Master is now string at us three. "Master, they were fighting!" the whole class is now watching our drama. "LAN XIU HUA!" Hao Xian hollered at her. "Come with me, you three!" Wait what? I wasn't even involved! I'm the victim here, Master.

"This is all your fault Xiao Chen!" A'Xian exclaimed. "I don't care, I don't like him." We're literally being punished, we're squatting with books in our hands and head, and yet they're still quarreling. "Be quiet!" A girl shouted from afar, if I'm not mistaken, this was the girl who called the Master a while ago. "You shut up Xiu Hua, if you weren't there and pulled your heroic act, we shoulnd't be punished like this!" Xiu Hua directed her eyes at Xiao Chen, "You deserve that!" Then she rolled her eyes.

"I wasn't even fighting..." I whispered under my breath, "Are you saying something?" Xiu Hua yelled at me. "You're the cause of the fight, and you're telling me you're not involved?" She'll face a lot of trouble ahead if she keeps thinking like this, tsk. I just remained quiet and just accepted the punishment.

*after 15 minutes of suffering*

"Stand up you three!" the master exclaimed, the three of us stood up in awe. "Xiu Hua, you can go", she rolled her eyes on us before leaving, pfft. "You can go, if this ever happens again, I'LL MAKE YOU PICK UP SOME DUNG!" Wow, the emphasis. Xiao Chen glared at me before he left, what a day, I haven't even introduced myself to the class, and here I am getting punished on my first day.

"Ling Hao, are you okay? That Xiao Chen... We'll come back at him some other time." Saying the words furiously while popping his knuckles. "Let's not bother and just go to class." I said calmly, there's no use of seeking revenge, I don't wan't to get punished again for something I didn't do :((. "Ling Hao, don't tell Sister Wei what happened today, she'll tell Father for sure, we can't have dessert for three days, that's my total nightmare!" Wow Hao Xian, thanks for asking how am I and how awful it is to slam your bum on the floor. "Alright" I just agreed to his plan, the lotus pudding tastes so good, I can't give that up for three days!

My first day went on pretty fast, this academy really values discipline, but they lack integrity in my opinion. "A'Hao! A'Xian!" Sister Wei shouted, she came to pick us up. "How was your first day? Was it fun?" I just smiled and nodded. "Tell me about it", Hao Xian rolled his eyes. "Alright come on, hop on the carriage." We hopped on and went on our way, we passed thru the busy market, not long after, we reached home.

"Ah, my children! How was your day?" Madam Wang welcomed her children with a hug, I just stayed silent as I watch them from the gate, I wonder how my mom looks like, and if she's caring like this. "It was good Mother!" Sister Wei told her Mother. Hao Xian and I looked at each other, "Alright! I bought some Baozi, let's eat it before it goes cold!" Phew, good thing she didn't asked us, it'll be a doom if ever.

We went into the dining hall to eat some Baozis. "Stay here kids, I'll fetch you some water", we all bowed as a sign of respect. I admire Madam Wang being a hands-on Mother towards her children, It made me even curious on how my Mother was like, or do I even have one?

"Here." Madam Wang placed the three cups of water in the table. "Drink slowly A'Xian, no one's coming after you." then she giggled a little. "Thanks for the food." We bowed after we ate, it's still early, the sunset isn't coming anytime soon, maybe we can play outside. "A'Hao let's go out!" Yes, just what I thought, i'm in a good mood so I ran with him. "Where are you taking me?" I asked him, "Why do you keep on asking? Wait and you'll see." I looked back at Sister Wei, she nodded "Take care you two! Be back before the sun sets!" I turned back to Hao Xian as we run.

We ran for 5 minutes, we're literaly panting so fast, I'm already tired. "A'Hao, aren't we there yet?" he looked at me while wiping his sweat "Almost, now stop talking and save you breath for running", and we ran again, I wasn't informed back then that temple run was a real thing. Not long after, we reached a place that looks familiar to me. "Doesn't this look familiar on you?" Hao Xian asked me as if he knew what I was thinking, "How did you know?" I tilted my head, bt seriously, how did he know? "This is where we found you, dummy." A familiar voice echoed in the woods, it was Xiao Chen, I wonder why is he here? "You're probably wondering why he's here, our family is quite close, so we've been playing since we're in our mother's wombs." Hao Xian laughed and as usual, Xiao Chen just rolled his eyes out, he'll go blind in no time.

"Follow me." Xiao Chen enunciated. Xiao Chen held my hand and finlly, we're now walking, I don't know if I should be culture shocked or what. But as we were walking I can't help but to ask, "If you're friends for a long time, why do you keep on fighting?" Hao Xian just laughed at me, thanks for answering the qestion, airhead.

After 365 years, we reached a wonderful place, it looks neat, it looks like it was well taken care of, but what got my atention is the treehouse, my mouth was open the whole time. "Cool isn't it? Close your mouth, stupid, you might attract some unwanted guests." And for the first time, I saw Xiao Chen laughed a little, I can't help but to smile, he came back to his natural state as he saw me smiling, "You saw nothing." Okay, deny it, that's what you're good at. "I saw everything." Hao Xian said, we dispersed as we knew that Xiao Chen will come after us. We're running like there's no tomorrow.


A fog looking thing splattered all around the place, the three of us covered our noses. It was a tranquility powder, my nose was familiar with the smell, but I don't know where I smelled it. I looked around to know where the smoke is coming from, I saw a tall man staring at me. "You... who are you." I tried to use my remaining strength to talk and ask the man, he didn't answer and just motioned his hand, I didn't saw it clearly but I guess he wants his man to pick us up.

I searched for the two airheads, they were already passed out at the hand of the unknown men, a man also picked me up, I tried to object, but next thing I knew, all I can see is black.

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