Chapter 2

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'That was absolutely amazing!' I yelled as I got in the car. On the way home, me and Michelle started singing, dancing and laughing until we couldn't breathe and then calming down before doing it all again. Once we got home, I found the house to be completely empty again. I checked everyone's bedroom. Completely empty. 'Michelle? Where is everyone?' I yelled from the top of the stairs. 'Lilia and Luna are at ballet, they decided not to cancel it after all. Evie and Addie are doing gymnastics, and Quinn and Aspen are at their football training. So you are the only kid here.' She shouted back. I went into my room and chose an outfit to wear. It wasn't that cold today but it also wasn't too warm so I decided on a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a cropped sweatshirt. I showered and got changed. Once I was done. I did very natural make-up and french plaited my hair. I was quite happy with how I looked and decided to sing a little bit. I started playing my playlist and the first song to play was 'My Love Won't Let You Down'. I still couldn't quite believe I had met them today, never mind spoken to them. I started to sing and hadn't even noticed when there was a knock at the door. The song had finished and I looked over at my door, only to see it wide open with four women standing there staring at me. They each had a tear rolling down their cheek. None of us knew what to do at that moment. 'Hi.' I said, finally breaking the silence that had lingered for far too long. 'That was amazing! I knew you were amazing at rugby but I didn't know you could sing like that!' Jade said, coming over and hugging me. 'Thank you?' I replied 'Not to be rude or anything, but like, why are you here?' I asked, pulling away from the hug. 'Oh, right. Well, when we saw you at the match, we really liked you, so we were wondering if we could come to some of your other matches?' Perrie asked. 'Of course! Come to whatever matches you want. I have training and matches every sunday and saturday starting at 9:00 and ending at 12:00.' I informed them before heading downstairs, with them following me. I made some tea and we sat in the front room together, chatting about everything and nothing. I went back upstairs for about half an hour, practicing my passing for rugby and then came back downstairs. Perrie, Jade, Leigh-Anne, Jesy and Michelle were talking about something but as soon as the saw me they stopped. 'Hey, Eira, why don't you go get your guitar? I'm sure they would love to see you play.' I nodded and went back upstairs. I grabbed my guitar and made sure it was in tune before going back downstairs. I quietly walked downstairs and heard the words that would change my life forever. 'I want to adopt her. I want to adopt Eira.'

Adopted By JerrieWhere stories live. Discover now