Chapter 3

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I felt a tear roll down to my neck. Someone actually wanted me. After five years, I was finally enough. I wiped my tears and tried to act like everything was normal. I grabbed my guitar and went into the front room. Everyone went quiet again, just like I had expected, but I knew the reason now. I knew why. 'So, what do you want to play?' Jesy asked. 'I can play 'Told You So' on the guitar.' They all nodded and I started playing. It was so fun and ended up in a whole lot of laughter. Then it stopped and there was a lot of looks going around the room before Michelle gave a small nod. 'Eira, I want to tell you something. I know I've known you for less than a day, and you can say no if you want, but I really want to do this. So, can I adopt you?' Perrie asked nervously. I got up, ran over to her and hugged her. 'That's a yes by the way.' I said after a few seconds. 'There is going to be quite a lot of paper work to fill out, but once you are ready, Eira can move in with you.' Michelle said, giving us both huge smiles. Everyone got up and we had a big group hug. 

*A week later*

'It's my last day here.' I said, trying to hide my tears. I was feeling very mixed emotions. I was so excited to be moving in with Perrie, but I had spent five years at the adoption centre and the people there were pretty much my family. I have packed pretty much everything up already but I still need to finish packing a few things. It was 5:30 in the morning, so I quickly packed everything up before heading downstairs. 'I'm gonna miss this.' I said, eating my breakfast. 'Me too. But you have your own family now and we can still keep in touch.' Michelle replied optimistically. I nodded and finished my breakfast, before running upstairs and getting changed into my rugby kit. I'm getting dropped off at rugby by Michelle and then she will give my bags to Perrie and then I will leave with Perrie. Once I was changed, I said goodbye to the room that had given me so much comfort over the past five years and smiled at all of the crazy photos I had on my wall of me and the other girls. I packed them in a little bag and put them in my suitcase. I took it down and put it by the doorway. I turned around and all of the girls that I had tormented for 5 years were standing there, eyes full of tears. I hugged them all and said my goodbyes to them before getting into the car. I put the music on and danced. 'Come on, Michelle. We want this memory to be a good one right?' She laughed and started dancing with me. Then we got to the pitch. Perrie and Jade were waiting, by the parking spot we were always in, hand in hand. I got out of the car and immediately ran to hug them. 'Hey, you alright?' She asked me. 'Yeah, I'm just going to miss them like hell.' I said, pointing to the chaos currently going on in the van. 'I know, but you can still keep in touch. Now, you've got a game to win!' She said. I laughed and ran over to my team mates and started to warm up.

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