Chapter 8

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Throughout the rest of the day, mum and Jade wouldn't let me out of their sight. The tried to get me to eat but I just couldn't do it. We hadn't had a proper conversation about it yet; I think we were all a bit scared. We had been watching movies of my choice all day and me and my mum were on one sofa while Jade was on the other. Once our third film had finished, I knew it was time for the talk. 'Eira, we need to talk about what happened.' Crap. I just nodded. I couldn't get any words out. 'Why did you do it?' Jade asked. 'Too many things.' I replied. I just wanted the conversation to be over. Seeing their faces, I rolled my eyes and continued. 'The hate was the thing that triggered it. It brought back memories of what my dad used to say to me. How I was ugly and I killed my mother. Then I remembered what he used to do when he felt like I did. He used to do it right in front of me and I used to scream and cry until he stopped.' I came clean. I had never told anyone about that. 'What do you want to do?' My mum asked. 'I don't want therapy. I know that for a fact. I promise I'll try to eat.' I begged. My mum just nodded in response. 'We'll see how you are doing in a few days and go from there. I need you to eat.' I saw a tear roll down her cheek as she said it. 'I'm sorry I got you into this position. I'll try and be better.' I said hugging her. Jade had pretty much been silent the entire conversation, so I hugged her as well. 

Two months later

It had been two months since it happened and I was quite well. I still struggled to eat certain foods, but other than that my eating was back to normal. I hadn't self-harmed in about a month. Now, when I want to, I just talk to my mum about how I am feeling and that helps quite a lot.  'Eira hun, you need to get up. You're joining us for an interview this morning.' Mum said, shaking me until I woke up. I could tell she had only just woken up as well. 'Why?' I asked, finally processing what she said. 'Management set up an interview for us to tell the public that me and Jade are together and, considering you're my child, we wanted you there. Oh and me and Jade need to talk to you about something.' She said, making tea for me, Jade and her. Jade has basically moved in with us now and we couldn't be happier. Once we were all sat down at the table with our food, they started talking. 'So, me and Jade were thinking about doing something but we wanted to make sure it was alright with you first.' She took a deep breath before continuing. 'We want to adopt again.' She said quickly. 'Yes! Of course I am fine with that. I'm more than fine! What age?' I asked, so happy. 'We were thinking of getting a baby or a toddler, but it doesn't really matter to us.' She replied. They were both smiling so much and it made my day. 

A/N- The next chapter will just be the script of the interview that was mentioned in this chapter. xx

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