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Steve was slowly being pulled out of his sleep by the commotion coming from the bathroom. His brows reflectively drew in together into a furrow. It was still night, or at least the room was still utterly dark. In the haze of sleeping and being awake he at first thought he was alone, then he remembered there was a special houseguest living with him in the apartment. And the noise, that couldn't have been anybody else.

Steve groaned and clumsily got up into sitting. He wasn't a heavy sleeper, but the past few days had been quite challenging even for the good Captain; mission after mission, risking his life with the team, to save others, that he was almost shot twice. Though he was fine, what his body needed more than anything was rest. That noise — whatever it was — was robbing him of his much-needed sleep.

"Loki?" Steve murmured the name to himself, rubbing tiredly at his eye. Then, when he was somewhat fully awake, swung his legs out the bed and got on his feet.

"Loki?" This time Steve's voice was louder. He was expecting a response now, but wasn't that surprised when he received none. He could already guess the noises were crying, sobbing and, he supposed, retching sound. The door was open ajar, just enough that the fluorescent light from the inside was able to slip through the little crack and onto the floor.

"Loki?" Steve tried again, stopping in front of the door. The noises, too, stopped, but there was no response. The silence only lasted for less than ten seconds. When the retching sound returned Steve took the liberty of pushing the door open. He figured Loki would've yelled at him to leave, hadn't he been so busy emptying whatever content in his stomach into the toilet. His hair seemed to be sticking damply to his scalp, covering most parts of his face. He was shaking, hands gripping tight on the toilet seat like he was struggling to stay kneeling, to not fall face down.

"Christ, Loki," Steve murmured under his breath. Is he sick? Steve wouldn't know, but the worries rising somewhere within him was nearly enough to send him into sickness as well, a mysterious part of him that cared more about Loki's wellbeing than it should, the longer they stayed together. Steve wasn't aware of himself rushing forward and kneeling beside Loki, gently rubbing his back with one hand and pulling the raven hair out of Loki's face with the other, almost like his body acted on its own upon the sight of Loki being hurt.

And Loki was trying to push Steve away — operative word being, trying. Clearly he was in no position to refuse help, even if he wanted to.
(If Steve thought the tint of red on Loki's cheeks was more embarrassment than illness, he made no comment about that and continued rubbing soothing circles on Loki's back as Loki continued vomiting)

He could ask questions later, way later after Loki finished his throwing up and after he had a glass of water — Steve made a mental note to fetch him a glass of water, Loki could use that.

Steve retracted his hand, but remained kneeling on the tile beside Loki, when he flushed the toilet and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Loki was still shaking, if not as violently as he'd been a minute ago. There was evidence that he'd been crying. And he was way too pale, Steve noted unhappily.
(Loki didn't show signs of illness or discomfort earlier in the afternoon, except for his still not being fully recovered from his injuries)

Questions later. Right. Steve got on his feet, while Loki remained where he was, to grab a glass by the sink and turn on the faucet, letting the water fill to the rim before turning it off. When he got back down on his knees he offered the glass to Loki. "Here," Steve said.

Loki eyed the glass in his hand, for a moment Steve thought he almost looked skeptical, like he didn't trust Steve. But then suddenly reminding himself Steve had been there when he was half-dead, and if Steve wanted to take advantage of his weakness to hurt him, he would've done that long ago — Loki seemed to have reminded himself just that with another hint of embarrassment somewhere behind his bloodshot eyes. Then he wordlessly took the glass from Steve's offering hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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