Reign of the Lost

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Naruto watched intensely as Gaara disabled an Oto shinobi.

That pained cry made Naruto cringe.

That sand, it's just magnificent. That, he had to compliment.

Now that he'd thought about it, every bijuu has something of a special ability or of some sort, besides from the enormous amount of chakra, other useful and monster abilities as well.

"Ne, Kurama, what do you offer?" He asked, in his mind.

A snore replied him.

He pouted, but he let is slip, for now, he need to have some alone time too with him. They also need to talk about some matters.

He continued to watch Gaara's match.

"I'm gonna end you!" Gaara no-emotionedly crashed the Oto nin.

"And that's a victory, of Soba ko no Gaara" the  facilitator announced.

It was a blast of a fight!



The Chuunin Exams had continued. And Gaara's match was the third match of the day.

The first match was an Iwa ninja against, Kumo, which was won, by the Iwa ninja.

Both ninja displayed promising jutsus and fighting styles, creatively complimenting their respective villages.

The second match was between an Oto nin versus an Iwa shinobi, which was won by the Oto ninja. Naruto frowned a bit at this, their main goal was to wash away every Otogakure ninjas, but, guess what? No.

Naruto walked over to Gaara and congratulated him.

"Hey. You did good!" He kindly slapped his back, while giving him a sweet Uzumaki hug.

Gaara hugged him back.

"That kiss was a good luck charm." He whispered as he let go and winked at him.

Naruto blushed. As he went to where he was, beside Shikamaru.

Gaara smirked as he went over to his siblings.

Shikamaru stared at Naruto then. "Why are you flushed?"

Naruto shook his head sideways. "The blood scene was too much." he reasoned.

Shikamaru tapped his shoulder. "Don't worry about the upcoming invasion." He smiled.

"We're here Naruto. Don't carry that burden onto yourself." Choji added.

Naruto informed his friends about the invasion, and he's also planning to tell the rest of Konoha 12 as soon as possible. Only above Chuunin rank ninja knew.

He plans to held a party just a week before the final exam.

"We know you're always a head of us Naruto, you shield our way, but also remember, we're at your back. As support." Ino smiled genuinely.

Naruto smiled too. 'He would date Ino if-"

"Thank you." He grinned.

The fight continued on, and this time, it's Naruto's fight.

"Oh hell yeah!" He shouted when he saw his name on the screen.

He excitedly stared at the other screen to see who he will be clashing with.

The result made him frown, a little.


Hashu Riku, an Iwa shinobi.

"Why do I keep getting involved with Iwa." He mumbled his way down the arena.

The crowds cheered when they saw Naruto and his opponent standing across each other.

They can feel the tension.

Naruto stared at the shinobi before him.

A tall, dark skinned, well-built, ninja. Brown hair, with brown eyes.

He have this smug look on his face though. And he seems a little older than Naruto.

His clothes are the usual Iwa shinobi uniform, except he have this long brown scarf around his neck.

"Both competitors ready?"

Naruto nodded as he stared at his opponent's piercing eyes.


As soon as he gave out the signal, the atmosphere became tense.

Naruto didn't move, though, not bothering to send a killing instinct.

But his opponent, his chakra is rising.

"I thought this day would never come." Riku's deep voice sent almost everyone to shiver.

Naruto stared at him.

"I don't want to hear any more of Iwagakure's drama or revenge!" He shouted back.

"Today, you'll die!" He screamed as he sent a huge boulder at Naruto, who in return dudge it.

When the boulder hit the ground, it left a deep, wide hole.

Naruto animatedly gasp at this.

"What's that? You like granny Tsunade or something?"

Riku's brows met.

"You still have the audacity to talk to me that jokingly right after your father killed mine?!" He screamed again.

The expectators- especially the Konoha 12, had curious faces.

Even some Kumo, Kiri, Oto, who lacks knowledge about anything had what-is-this-about look?

Seriously, shouldn't they smell something, among every enemy Iwa had faced, who could be their greatest hate?

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto chanted, and as quick as lightning, three clones appeared infront of him.

"Let personal matters made it's way out. Be professional bruh."

"Wind Element: Tornado!" he chanted, flexing his new technique he learned from one of his father's jutsu, which was a collaboration between Jiraiya and Minato.

An 18 feet tornado suddenly appeared out of nowhere, as it made it's way to the Iwa shinobi.

"Earth Style: Core Protector!"

Thee dome of hot soil? Didn't stand a chance at the wind attacking it's way to the caster of the technique, it provided a minute of shield, but not long enough to save the Iwa ninjas clothes to being torn.

The tornado dispersed and so are the three other clones who executed the technique.

"I have to be honest, you look hot." Naruto laughed and sticked his tongue out at the shinobi before him.

The said opponent looked flustered.

Suddenly, someone, or, multiple voices shouted.

"Naruto! Don't flirt with other man!" Kakashi, Gaara, and even Yagura, who was secretly listening to him, by invading his thoughts shouted as if it's the end of the world.

Naruto deadpanned.

Suddenly, kunais were making it's way to his face.

"Aahhh!" He jokingly screamed, and when the sharp tools are about to hit him.

"You know, shunshin exist. And my das was a master at teleporting." He whispered behind Riku's ears.

Which sent shiver to the Iwagakure's spine.

"You're fast.."

"But I'm in advantage!" He shouted then he slapped Naruto's cheek using the scarf around him.

Naruto's nose bled.

"That scarf is made made of pure dried mud." He spit.

Naruto laughed.

"If you're serious then, no more games."

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