Reign of the Lost

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CHAPTER 8 [ Wave Arc VI]

Several days have passed and the huge bridge is ready in a day or so. Team 7, along with Zabuza and Haku helped build up with the bridge with also the assistance of Naruto's shadow clones.

Suddenly, Naruto clutched his head and fall unto the ground.

Zabuza and the others hurriedly walk to Naruto.

"What's wrong?"

"My clones from Tazuna's house was dispelled. And so does my clones from the shore."

"This means Gato's on the move." Sasuke stated as he readied himself and activated his sharingan.

"I'll send clones there right away. Accompany my clone Haku-san and protect Inari and Tsunami-chan"

"Hai!" And with a swift motion Naruto's clones and Haku set off to Tazuna's house.

"Sakura! Guard Tazuna. Naruto make clones to help Sakura guard Tazuna like you always do. You three handle only the bandits. Zabuza-san and I will take care of Gato." Kakashi explained.

"Hai!" they all yelled in unison.

"Huh. Just as I thought. Zabuza. The Demon of the Mist is a traitor."

"Hah! I bet you'll kill me after I finished this Konoha shinobis anyway. Not that I can defeat them anyways" Zabuza kept the last part to himself.

"Enough talking and start fighting!"

Naruto then made enough clones to aid them in battle.

Kakashi and Zabuza faced Gato.

The bandits with Gato began to charge.

Clash of metals are heard in the mist by the huge bridge Team 7 is at.

Team 7's genin has already finished half of the bandits. Most of them are only low skilled swordsman so it's easy to take them out. But among the bandits are also mid- Chunnin level and Jounin level rouge ninjas.

The three genin stood back to back as they watch each other.

"What should we do. They are Jounins and Chuunins and we are merely genins. Even if one of us is an ex- ROOT we stand no chance! Since ANBU have different fighting styles and regular squad ninjas are not the same with them!" Sasuke whispered to his teammates not knowing what to do.

Naruto's clones had been dispelled. They can outnumber the enemies but they are on a higher level than them.

They can't also ask Kakashi and Zabuza's help since they are also having trouble with Gato and his other minions.

"I have a plan but." Naruto sigh.

"But what dobe!"

"Listen...." Naruto then explained his plan.

"Well that's the only way" Sasuke said.

"But what if we destroy the bridge?" Naruto objected against his own plan.

"Just make sure your technique is right on time." Sai comforted Naruto.

"Okay. Let's do this. Formation!"

"Taju Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

Naruto's clones attacked again being easily dispelled by the enemy ninja's as Sasuke use his fire style jutsu against those who attack Naruto's clones.

"Katon: Gokakyo no Jutsu!"

Some of the enemies have caught in the fire. They continued to attack luring the bandits in the center of the bridge. While Sai was soaring high in the sky as he finished his painting to be use in his technique.

"Choju Giga!" Then thousands of snakes and other animals used in battle were falling from the sky.

The three genin successfully lured the enemy ninjas in the middle of the bridge as Naruto's clones sorrounded them.

The clones smashed their hands on the bridge glowing in red color.

"Fuuinjutsu: Dome of Whirl" the clones shouted together as the Jutsu takes it place sorrounding the enemy ninjas from below, above and around them.

Most of the ninjas tried to move out from the dome good thing Sasuke and Sai handled those as Naruto executed his technique.

The dome then takes it place and covered the enemy ninjas. It's a black dome with red whirl markings.

"Jingang: Whirl Executioner!" As Naruto shouted the technique; you can see from outside what is happening inside.

Sasuke and Sai saw it all. The bandits that are trap inside were being hit by a palm just like what Naruto did to Zabuza but the only difference is that it's from the wind.

After some time the dome then subsided and turned into an red whirlwind swirling through the ocean.

Just then Kakashi and Zabuza went where Naruto and others is and so does Sakura and Tazuna.


"Gato and his acquaintances was caught in the whirlwind. Is it from you Naruto?" Kakashi asked to the panting blond.

Naruto was about to answer when he fall unto the ground.

"Inari and his mom is safe. My clones dispelled themselves" The blond said as he pant for air before collapsing.

"Naruto!!!" All of them shouted out of shocked. Then they all hurried back to Tazuna's house to tend Naruto.

"Don't worry. It must be only chakra exhaustion." Sai said as Kakashi laid Naruto to his bed.

"Yeah I guess. Since he used too much chakra from his clones and his dome" Sasuke added.

"Well then let's go to the kitchen and have our dinner. Tomorrow let's help build the bridge while Naruto rest."

"Hai. Sensei."

"Good thing we won against the fight."

All of them except Naruto had their dinner. And after that they all rested. They still have a lot of work to do tomorrow.

Inari brought food to Naruto's room in case he wakes up. But sadly he's still asleep.

"You went overboard there. You know you only learned that technique a day before you left the village." Kurama said as he faced Naruto.

"Yeah but that's the only way I thought of. I am not as smart as Shikamaru to plan hundred steps ahead!"

"Fair enough." the huge fox commented as he laugh.

"But seriously don't overdo yourself again!" Kurama scolded.

"Hai. Hai." Naruto agreed.

"You really cared for me huh? Thanks Kurama." the blond thought as he smiled.

Team 7 then finished the bridge with the help of everyone. Even Naruto who insisted on helping since he said he's bored. The villagers thanked all of them for their help.

The shinobis are then at the end of the bridge returning to their home.

"Well. You go on Kakashi-san. Haku and I will consult the Mizukage first. It's up to him if he will let us. Safe travels! Ja ne!" Zabuza said as he and Haku bowed to Team 7.

"See you. Zabuza-san. Haku-san. We are looking forward to your Mizukage's decision." Kakashi spoke as Team 7 also bid them goodbye.

Naruto smiked at the two of his new friends now. And hopefully they will be granted for their wish to be a leaf shinobi.

The bridge then was named The Great Naruto Bridge to everyones delight.



Next chap??




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