Part 7

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As i cooked kellin danced around me while i danced alittle to centuries by fall out boy.

"Sway those hips girl!" Kellin said gayly and swayed his hips to the chorus.

"OH my GOD!!! Kellin! " i said putting his lunch and dinner on the table. "Here you go kells" i said and gave him his hamburger.

"Wheres your hamburger?" Kellin said confused taking the plate.

"Not that very hungry" i said and shrugged.

"Blaze...." He said intensly.

He shook his head and looked at me disapointedly.

"Blaze, you know im here for you right.... Im always there with you every day.... Even here after school... I know that you hurt inside, i can see it in your face.... Through your eyes.... I might not be the smartest... And i might be naive..... But please eat! I know what your doing! Your trying to distract me from seeing your loss of eating, and ill tell you right now! If you dont eat! Im gonna lose you! The one i care about the most right now! Right now you are my main priority! To let you have a wild and crazy adult life! And for you to be happy! You are my best friend and sister! I cant lose you too blaze!" Kellin said tears brimming his eyes.

"Wanna skip dinner and get some rest, seems like the stress is getting to you... And your my big brother and stalker that i love so much... But never lose that little spark you showed when you danced and giggle and laugh... Dont lose that happy side of you, cause it would kill me to get it back" i said hugging him.

"We should get to bed, we have school tomorrow, well more like i have hell to go to" he said chuckleing.

"Your telling me " i said.

He laughed and took my hand and dragged me into his bedroom.

" So ....tell me more about you my darling" kellin said sitting on his bed.

"Maybe tomorrow at school if you do a 'get to know me' little thing in school" i said and walked out with kellin following me.

I walked into my room and flopping on my bed lazily and groaned.

"Fuuuuck " i said tired

"Language young lady" kellin said joking around. "Let the beast sleep god dammit!"

"Hey! Language!" I heard my dad say coming in.

"Ok!" I said and crawled under my covers.

Fuck this world.

"blaze.... You know school is almost over.... Then you have to find a job..." Kellin said.

"I know"

"And then you have to find that specail someone... Promise me you will, i thought i did but look... What happened" kellin said sitting down.

"But i dont like anyone"

"What about vic. You like him... Right?"

"Yeah but-"

"And what about me? Im sure im very sexy"

I blushed.

"Well" i said laughing.

"Your my teacher and family.... Nothing else..." I said blushing harder.

"Oh... Yeah..." Kellin said forgetting the fact that he's a teacher.

"You know kellin... When i looked at your posters of you... You were hot..." I said blushing.

He blushed and smiled.


I smiled tiredly and mummbled "no problem"

I close my eyes drifting off into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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