Part three!!! Getting to know eachother!

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" you know what...thats a good question... I havent thought about it yet..." Kellin said.

Phew! He didnt yell at me! I geuss im off the hook! I thought when he gave me a stack of work.. " this is due 2 weeks from now" he said. I smiled.

" thanks !" I said and bit my lip.

" so i was thinking we can grab coffee later and get to know each other! I mean i have u all day tomorrw so i was thinking uh" he studderd shifting awkwardly.

" sure! Ill just skip lunch and ill meet you in the parking lot" i said. He perked up and smiled. " ok ill see you later than" he said smileing.

I smiled and waved goodbye and ran out. Now next is mrs. Greenridge. Oh boy... I can alreday see this going down.

I walk to mrs. Greenridge and ran to my seat as she was turning around.

" welcome back mrs.river!" She said. I smiled and got out my notes.

- majical time lapse!!!-

I walked to my locker and got my book bag. I got my money and ran to the parking lot.

I saw mr. Bostwick leaning on a van .

Their tour van...

" hey mr. Bostwick!!!!" I said and skipped to him.

" Hey abby!!!" He said and finished what he was typing.

He looked upset... Well , more like angry/ sad...

" are you ok?" I said concerned.

" yeah just me and my girlfriend are having some... Issues" he said sighing.

" oh... Well i hope things get better" i said.

" Me too.... Well lets go" he said .

I hopped in and we drove off to a diner.

" nice place!" I said.

" i know! I love Applebee's!!! " he said.

I smiled and sat down at a table.

" so tell me a little about you?" He said.

" well i love singing-" i started to say but he cut me off.

" how would you like to be in my good friends vics song? He needs a girl young and brave... U seem like the girl... And about that title..." He said and we gone on and on..

You know ... He was actually pretty cool... Once you get to know him...

The waiter came around and gave us our drinks.

I held up my glass and said " lets cheers to this!!!!"

Kellin started to put up his glass but stopped... Uh oh

I looked behing me and saw nothing

I turned to look at kellin and he was smiling.

" did i do somethi-" " thats it!!! Lets cheers to this!!! Thats what the Album should be called" he said / cheered.

" really? ... That'll be a great name!!!" I said.

" yeah it will" he said tapping on his phone.

" abby? How would you like to go to band practice with me" he said looking up.

" ok... Hey while were at it why dont i paint your house too" i chucked. He looked at me.

" could you?!?" He said estatic.

" i would love to!!!" I said.

" yay! Ill text you here give me your phone" he said and typed in his number.

He gave me back my phone... Oh boy.. What did i get myself into.?!?!

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