Hogwarts stories

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The dim sun shone into the windows the next morning and the red haired and black haired teens rose from their slumber by the screams of Mrs Weasley. Groaning they both sat up from their beds grumbling good mornings to each other, sighing the sleep away they pushed themselves out of the beds and readied for the day. The events of the night before still fresh in their memories and the two entered the bustling kitchen. Sirius and Mrs Weasley where slaving away at the stove with Mr Weasley standing behind them flipping through the daily paper a slice of brown bread in one hand. The kitchen area was already packed with the other ginger haired teens setting the table and Hermione filling up the teapot from the kettle at the corner of the kitchen counter. One person that shocked the sleepy Weasley boy awake was the dark haired women in a tattered shirt with a steaming mug wrapped in her hands. She smiled slightly at the two boys being the first to spot them in the chaos that was the kitchen. Ron still slightly scared at the seemingly cold women let out a shriek of surprise then hurried away making himself busy in helping the preparation for breakfast. Harry on the other hand was in awe of the woman across from him. After their discovery of the woman he couldn't help but wish that one day he could meet her or at least a story from Sirius about her, and here she sat at the kitchen table relaxed as ever enjoying the hot liquid. " Morning, Harry" she said gaining the attention of the rest of the preparation team. Mrs Weasley was quick to give the fifth teen year old a job buttering the mountain of toast to keep him busy and ultimately away form the blue eyed witch. She still held her doubt about the woman and her side on the upcoming war, maybe she was a spy sent to find and infiltrate their ranks.

Lyra knew of the ginger haired woman's hostility to her and in truth it slightly bothered her, did the woman forget who's home she was currently seeking shelter in. Her dark thoughts scared her and with the fear of her own thoughts she decided that keeping the silence wouldnt be good .With that the table was soon crammed with foods and other side dishes and an assortment of drinks. The Weasleys and co sat down and in a matter of seconds the platters off food dwindled and the liquid in the jugs were gone, Lyra having spent the last years with only the company of her son and was surprised at how fast the food was plated ,yet she wasnt complaining. After years of only having a quiet home she embraced the rush and quickness of the table that morning, across the table her brother watched out of the corner of his grey eyes, his twins amusement at the events playing out before them. Toast was being floated down the table and Fred or George -Lyra wasnt sure, was dangling the last piece of rasher over their sisters head out of her fourteen year old reach. Lyra having lived with two giants for brothers all her life was experienced in the old "you cant reach it trick" and had developed ways around the situation so when the small girl tried to catch the attention of her father who was sitting beside Lyra her eyes accidentally met the Black woman. Lyra mouthed two words to the teen with a mischievous smirk before covering it with her mug of tea. Ginny with a grin punched the stomach of her brother causing him to double over in pain releasing the rasher causing it to drop to the plate in between them as he clutched his throbbing torso. Ginny held a strong punch and was very pleased with the outcome of the situation taking the plate and walking away from the twin and taking her place beside Hermione and Harry who were fairly surprised at the girl as she continued filling her plate.

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