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"We don't go there" they say.
"It's filled with deranged things" they say.

Our towns were separated because our founders didn't want to share the land.
The rumors were made years after the feud.
They say I was lucky to live in North Calico, that the teenage girls in South Calico work in mine shafts with their brothers (or fathers) for six days a week, one hour off once a week, and work in the fields with their mothers (or other sisters) one day per week.

My younger sister, Christina, tells me the stories of South Calico she hears from her school.
"That they cut kids toes" she says.
"They whack them with a pan for not working hard" she says.

My older brother, Brandon, tells me if I don't get my work done, at my mother's shop, South Calico cannibals will get me.
I always find Brandon a humorous human being.

My best, and only, friend, Alice, tells me that she once tried to go but there was no road. I know that's she's lying. I know that Alice is too frightened to even step foot toward the boarders.

As for me, I'm not like that, I believe there is something good about South Calico. I just know it, all people do is just stereotype. I'm done with this...


Hey it's the author! Ugh this is a small chapter , but just to get started! Next chapter will be extra longer, it'll be updated as fast as possible! - Admin

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