Chapter 27: The Castle

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I sneak through the sewers to get inside. Gross.

"Have you checked the sewers?" I heard Flash's voice up above, "Not yet, sir. But we will", "Then do it fast!" Flash shouted with a raspy voice.

Great. Guards on the sewers, just what I need, "C'mon bro, Boss said all corners, what about this suspiciously crack opened vent?" Both of them approached my hiding spot.

"(I'm dead, I'm soo~ dead.)" I mumbled to myself, "Nah I don't think so." The guards headed back upstairs, Thank Celestia for stupid stallions. Ha!

I sneaked through the vents, hearing every information coming out of everyone's mouth. Like:

How evil my alternate is..
How did I get out of the trap..
And how much Soarin loved RD..

Darn Soarin.

"Psst.." I hollered over to Sentry, he turned his back where I was about to punch him hard in the face. I dragged him to a janitor's closet and tied him to a chair.

"Tell me all that you know, Sentry." I interrogated him, "All I know is that you killed Twilight, you killed all the royals in Canterlot, you helped the maleficent Celestia on taking over Equestria then brutally killing her in front of everypony, and I also know that you are one selfish cruel monster I know you are, so go ahead, kill me." He replied, "Is that how you explain stuff? You coulda just told me 'I did awful stuff to ponies' ya know?" I sighed.

"But I did not do that."
"Yes you did"
"Did not"
"Did too"
"Did not"
"Did too"

I can go all day.
"Did not"
"Did too"
"Did not"
"Now we're just acting like colts"
"Did not"
"DID TOO!" Sentry shouted
"Did not times ten! Haha!" I teased, "Anyways, I did not do those stuff, I'm from another dimension where stuff are still good, but I got trapped in this one because of Discord" I explained, Sentry looked at me confused.

"Wait, Sir Discord trapped you here?" Sentry asked, "Yeah, he's mainly a bad guy.", "No he's not! He's a kind and gentle soul!" Flash protested.

"Nope, in my dimension, he almost killed millions of ponies, if it wasn't for me and the gems, all would be lost." I peeked through the door to see if no one was around, when Flash smashed a chair in my head, "AGH!!" I shouted in pain.

"Don't worry, Nightmare. I'm going to get you the punishment you deserve" Sentry kicked me in the face before I blacked out.

Destiny's POV

"Hey! Wake up!" I heard Fluttershy's loud voice, hey.. Wait a minute.. Fluttershy's not loud!

"HEY! I TOLD YOU TO WAKE UP YOU STUD!" She screamed in front of my ears, I was temporarily deafened for a few seconds. I opened my eyes and saw the elements.

Fluttershy was not kind. She's always angry and rude. Pinkiepie's not that cheerful and happy as she used to be. Rarity was gross, Ugh. I think I can smell her stench, and Apple Jack was lying everytime, even when it's obvious.

But where's Rainbow?

I have ta cut it short. Sorry very much folks.

-Apple Jack



Haha! Got'cha!
-Apple Jack

Rainbow Dash appeared out of nowhere and took a close look at me, "Yeah, it is Des." She released me from the ropes and began questioning me.

"How are you still alive?" She asked.
"On second thought, don't answer that question" RD sat down in front of me.

"Why are you following Nightmare?" She asked again.
"Who's Nightmare?" I asked, Dashie grunted and sighed. "The guy you were with", "OH! You mean Nightwalk?" I happily answered, "No. His name's Nightmare."

"No it's not!" I shouted, "Shadow Nightmare is a cold ruthless killer bent on destroying everything and everyone." Dashie showed me pictures and incidental reports of alternate Lance's actions.

By the way, where is Lance?

Lance's POV

I woke up chained to the wall with only darkness surrounding me. I used my horn to create some sort of glow, I saw that I was only on a small room with four walls and a roof.


Yay! Another update! I hope you enjoy it!!

As always:

Luv ya guys!
Flamezers out!!

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