Heavy Metal

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The whole floor shakes as a combination of pounding drums and screeching guitar blare from the DJ stand. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this!

I somehow hear Phillip laugh from where he's standing, and I look up to sneer at him when I realize he's not laughing at me.

He's looking out, past me, to the dance floor.

Turning around, I instantly notice Pirate Larry and skeleton mask Sal out on the dance floor. It's not difficult to spot the two, as they're the only ones whipping their heads around to the cacophony of sound.

My heart flutters, and an involuntary smile pulls at my lips as I watch Sal's bright blue pigtails swing violently at the sides of his head, hitting him in the face repeatedly.

What the fuck is he doing?

I can't help but giggle too. It's wonderful seeing him like that, having fun?

I didn't like it at first, and I know it sounds weird, but now that I listen to it this music is so... Sal. It's definitely not my thing, god forbid it makes my head throb. But I think that's why I kinda like it? It's so him.

I'll endure this fucking nightmare of sound for as long as he wants, just to see him dancing and enjoying himself. Anything to make him happy.

My body's starting to ache, so I take a few seconds to catch my breath, laughing at Larry who's still going at it. It looks like the entire school is watching us, but I don't care. We're having fun.

That's when I notice a familiar Cowboy Travis standing by the DJ stand. He's staring right at me. And I'm startled to see, in the dark of the gym, a dorky smile on his face.

I don't think he realizes I'm staring back until I point at him, and his smile instantly disappears. I wave him over, but before I see his reaction, someone walks in front of me.

It takes me a while to realize it's Ashley, who's with Todd. They've decided to join us in making a scene on the dance floor, uncaring to the weirded out glances and stares.


I hear Ashley yell out my cowboy's name, and my heart flutters as I notice Travis has also joined us.

He's looking a little embarrassed, trying to hide it by slightly tipping his head, so the brim of his hat slightly covers his face.

I take him by the hands, folding down his middle and ring fingers down gently, along with his thumbs. Into the rock on sign, of course. I let go and do the same, giggling.

"Like this," I say over Sanity's Fall, looking up at him. His face seemed softer for just a second, gazing at me with bewildered brown eyes.

I feel a sudden rush of energy, and begin dancing again, throwing my head around to the heavy metal.

Travis—who seemed a little nervous at first—dances with us too. He looks a little awkward, but it's a dream to rock out with him until the song ends.


"Singular was actually one of their first singles," I say as our group walks out of the parking lot. Travis nods silently and I see Ashley flap her hands excitedly at the front.

"Gosh, I seriously can't believe they let you play it," she says, and Larry snorts a bit.

"Actually, we can't believe it either," he replies, a chuckle in his voice. "We didn't ask them to. We were just as surprised as you, Ash."

She turns around, confused. "Wait—really? Then who did?"

Larry shrugs. "I dunno. Maybe they planned to play it and turns out we're huge Sanity's Fall fans."

I notice Travis slides his hands into his jean pockets, sighing deeply.

"It was a treat watching you guys," I hear Neil say from behind me.

"Heh, yeah," I say, turning my head around to look at him, who's walking with Todd. "Oh! Nice job winning the costume contest, you guys. I forgot to tell you that."

"You two totally deserved it! You were so adorable on stage," Ashley interjects, which makes Todd smile giddily.

"Too bad Cowboy Travis didn't win anything," I say.

"Probably cause he froze like an idiot," Larry says, turning to Travis with a smirk on his face. Travis hits the back of his pirate hat, sending it flying forward off his head.

"You didn't win either, idiot," Travis says with a chuckle as Larry stumbles to catch his accessory. He kneels down on the concrete sidewalk to pick it up.

"Wait, Sal," Larry says as I walk past. He gives me a smirk and points to his back with his thumb. "Piggy-back ride? We'll get to Addison quicker if you're not slowing us down with your small legs, man."

"What—shut up, Lar!" I playfully hit him in the shoulder, but go on his back anyway. He hooks his arms under my legs and lifts me up, and holy shit does it make me feel tall. I have to maneuver my head a little so I don't hit his pirate hat.

We catch up with the rest again and Ashley giggles. "How's the weather up there?"

Travis turns around, and I catch him smiling a little at the sight. I wish he would smile more. I know I've said it before, but it never fails to make my heart warm. Especially at this angle.

"Great, thanks for asking," I say to Ashley, still thinking about his smile. Travis then turns away.

"Dude, I changed my mind, you're fucking heavy," Larry groans. That's kind of surprising, considering Larry's carried me longer than this before. "Here, Travis, let's tag team it."

Panic punches me hard in the chest. God damn it, Larry, this was your fucking plan all along.

"What?" Travis says, turning to us again.

"Tag team it," Larry replies, moving us closer to the cowboy. "Y'know? We take turns carrying Sal."

"Uh--I don't know," I reply nervously.

"Come on, just for a second," Larry replies. "Hurry, my arms are getting tired. It'll be fine, dude. What, you're afraid you're gonna drop him or something?"


"You don't have to, Travis," Sal suddenly says, awkwardly laughing.

"No, it's fine, I can carry you," I say quickly. A little too quickly. Sal's eyes widen under the mask.

"...Okay," he replies softly.

"Fucking finally. Here, stop walking for a sec."

Larry and I go through the awkward process of putting Sal from his back onto mine. My face grows hot every second until Sal's finally on my back. I hope he doesn't notice despite him pressing against me.

Suddenly, I notice the suspicious gaze of Todd, who's narrowing his eyes thoughtfully at me. I swallow anxiously and try to keep a straight face.

"Okay, come on, it's freezing out here," Ashley says, continuing down the sidewalk. Todd and his boyfriend follow behind and so do the rest of us. "I can already see the apartments."

"...You okay?" I say to Sal as he gets comfortable, my voice wavering. I thought hand holding was a lot, and now he's on my back.

"I'm great," he replies, so close I can feel his voice in my neck. "Thanks, Trav."

"Yeah," I say. "No problem."

We're silent for the rest of the way, except for the sound of my heart beating loudly in my ears.

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