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It was freezing when Camila opened her eyes early the next morning. Hawaii was three hours behind California, meaning Camila's early rising was more like the middle of the night. She didn't want to be jet-lagged when she finally did wake up, so she tried to force herself to go back to sleep for a few more hours.

But she was shivering, curled tight under the thin blankets and listening to the white noise of the blasting air conditioner. Dammit, Shawn, why did he have to turn it on when everything felt just fine when they went to sleep.

Camila contemplated grabbing something warmer to wear, but she didn't really have anything. She'd brought summer clothes only. Camila looked over her shoulder at Shawn. His back was to her, the sheets over his body and he was snoring softly. Camila felt a slight smile tug at her lips.

They'd passed out in the near vicinity of one another after drinking over at mutual friends' houses, but she'd definitely never woke up in the same bed as him. It made her heart pound strangely as she stuck her bare leg out of the blanket and onto the carpet.

She went right for her bags, going through her t-shirts, tank tops and shorts, knowing she didn't have anything super warm. She shivered, ready to go to the closet for more blankets when she saw Shawn's bag.

She glanced back at Shawn, seeing he was still asleep. She then reached for the zipper on his suitcase.

Shawn was a nice guy, he wouldn't mind if she borrowed something warm to wear. Besides, it was his fault it was so cold in here.

Camila opened his suitcase, trying not to look too hard at his stuff as she felt for something. She found a hoodie squashed under what looked like a stack of underwear, and she tried not to look at them as she pulled it out and put it on over her pajamas. It smelled good, all the clothes in his bag smelling like whatever detergent he used.

Camila zipped his bag back up and crawled back into bed. His hoodie fell down to her thighs, the sleeves hanging way over her hands, keeping her warm. Well, almost warm enough. Her feet were still cold.

She considered going back for socks, but why should she when there was another source of warmth just inches away. Camila was so sleepy, drifting back off just as she let her feet move across the bed and touch Shawn's.

She fell back asleep, waking up when she was stifling warm. She opened her eyes, blinking when she realized where she was—way over on Shawn's side of the bed, her body pressed right against hers, his back to her chest.

She gasped softly, quickly scrambling back to her own side, the sheets tangling around her legs. Her heart pounded as she wondered if she just accidentally cost them points or something, because that definitely wasn't intentional, she was just cold.

Camila watched Shawn for a second longer. She didn't even stir, even when she got out of bed. It was almost six in the morning, though her body felt as if she'd slept in.

She decided to get up and start her usual routine. Camila went to the thermostat and turned up to a normal temperature, waiting for the air to cut off before taking off the hoodie and laying it over the armchair in the corner.

She went to her bag and searched for her yoga clothes. She stepped into the bathroom and changed into a tank top over her shorts and went then to the living room. She started the coffee pot, putting in the prepackaged coffee grounds and searching the cabinets. She found a paper cup and packs of sugar and creamer.

She made herself a cup before slipping out of the room barefoot. Normally, she did her stretches in the morning just in her own living room, but she wasn't dumb enough to do that when Shawn could walk in. There was nothing between them, but she still knew better than to do yoga poses in tiny shorts where he might see.

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