A Little Rebellion is Healthy

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“She’s my friend.”

“Ok, but you can’t see her right now. She needs to rest and you have no proof of how you know her. But if you know any of her family that would really help out,”

“No, I don’t. Sorry.”

There were sounds of footsteps leaving and of someone flopping onto a chair. The voice sounded so familiar to Sara - although she couldn’t seem to be able to place where she knew the voice from. Sara opened her eyes - she was in a hospital. There was a deep sense of relief that spread its way through her limbs, warming her from finger to toe. The door was gently opened and closed and a familiar face appeared at her bedside.

“I thought the nurse told you to stay out of this room,” Sara managed, her voice hoarse.

“A little rebellion is healthy,” Sophie replied with a sad smirk. “You missed lunch.” A cough-laugh burst its way through Sara’s throat. Sophie had no tact. In fact she seemed to be downright rude, but it entertained Sara more than offended her.

“Sorry. I had a separate appointment,” Every word was whispered and her voice was crackly. Her heart felt weighted, as if someone had wrapped a chain around it. Sophie smiled sadly. She wasn’t an animated or flouncy anymore. A flash of anger crossed Sara’s chest. Sophie had no right to be sad that Sara had decided to try and kill herself. They had just met.

“Why..” Sophie faded off. For once she seemed to want to use tact. “Why do it?”

“Do you want the laundry list or the summary?” Sara’s voice dripped with sarcasm, and she gave Sophie a look. Sophie looked down at her shoes - stylish and went perfectly with her blue dress.


“The dog. Lou.. she’s..” her voice cracked and suddenly she couldn’t stop the tears. Sophie sat down beside her and wrapped her arms around Sara. Sara burrowed her head into Sophie’s shoulder and cried until her head throbbed and the lump in her throat blocked the rest of the tears.

The door opened.

“I thought I told you to leave.” The voice was stern. It belonged to a nurse who had a severe bun and a short stature. Her expression did not change when the two girls turned around. Sara’s face was streaked with tears and Sophie had a wet spot on her dress where Sara was crying into. “And right now I’m going to need you to leave.” Sophie stood up, gave the severe nurse a severe look and flounced her way out of the room. Except this time her flounce seemed especially fake, which made Sara even more upset.

The nurse made her way over to the bed and quickly checked her iv before sitting down on the bed beside Sara.

“Do you know why you’re here?”

“Because I nearly drowned.” The nurse nodded.

“We will be keeping you in this room for a couple of days to check and make sure no damage was caused to your lungs since you inhaled a lot of water. After we make sure that you are in good health - “

“You’ll release me?”

“Not quite. Honey, we have you on suicide watch. We will be transferring you to the psych ward, where you will stay until we decide you are of sound enough mental health to be released.”

Sara felt a pit situated itself in her stomach. It seemed to be creating a forcefield that was pushing on the top of her stomach then rolling over and turning her stomach with it.

“When you nearly drowned we found no ID on you so I’m going to need you to tell me your name and your Social Security Number.” The nurse picked up a clipboard and a pen, poised to scribble down whatever Sara could manage to say.

“Sara Jill Waschmuth.”

“Good. Where is your current residence?” Sara shook her head. There was no current residence, and Sara had to find the words to tell this lady she was homeless without actually saying it aloud. After all of this drama she hated to admit it.

“Residence?” The nurse persisted, not catching onto her head shake.

“Not applicable.”

The nurse paused for a moment and then let her eyes sweep over Sara, who looked down at the bed in embarrassment The nurse scribbled down something on her clipboard and then got up to leave without another word. Sara felt her stomach turn again with nervousness and she put a tentative foot down on the ground. Sara was still feeling shaky and weak from her cowardice earlier and was uncertain if she would be able to stand up.

For some reason she had to stand up. Something egged her on. Staggering to her feet, she made it to the window before she felt a tug on her arm. The IV, of course. She wondered absently what they were putting into her. It made her feel groggy and weird and crave a cigarette even more than she already had. Leaning against the window she noticed a familiar flouncy figure pacing its way along the parking lot. Sara found herself hoping that Sophie would come back and a part of her scoffed at the stupidity of that thought. After she had jumped off the bridge Sophie had been the first and only one at the hospital to see her. Of course she would come back. However, the fact that she even showed up in the first place was incredibly surprising. After all they had just met yesterday and here she was, holding Sara as she sobbed in a hospital room.

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