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Chapter 12

Sara trudged over to one of the many subpar couches in the room and chose one without any other patients on it. She flopped down and watched idly as the same guy who was channel surfing yesterday did it again. Much to the annoyance of the other patients. He didn't exactly have the best taste in tv shows as proved by the fact he was watching an infomercial with such intent you would think it was a grade A soap opera. Sara hoped that the boring television option would slow down time, but unfortunately she was wrong. The hour sped past and before she knew it, Ethan's voice came out over the P.A. Oh no. It was time, they were here. Alright take deep breaths, deep breaths, you'll be ok. Ethan will protect you. Sara slowly rose to her feet. Everything felt like it was underwater, like all the sounds were muted and there was nothing more terrifying than the monster swimming towards her, ready to eat her, her parents.

She stopped in the doorway of Ethan's office. They are there they are there they are there they are there, her mind chanted at her.Everything seemed louder, emphasized by the rapid beating of her heart in her throat. Something was urging to run and move on, but she stayed her feet.

"Hey, Sara. I'm glad you can join us," When that line was spoken, it was generally a sarcastic remark made by a teacher or parent, but Ethan managed to make it seem friendly and inviting. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself now that Ethan had grounded her. Ethan had put three chairs down - one was vacant, reserved for her father, and one with her mother sitting in it. Her mother turned and their matching brown eyes met. Sara only held the gaze for a moment before looking away and sitting as far away from her mother as possible.

"Now, we are both here today to reconcile some differences, and see if we can work out a suitable solution for everyone." Ethan began, looking at both Sara and her mother.

"Sorry to interrupt, but where's dad?" Sara asked, looking at his spot. Her mothers scowl deepened. "He's on a work trip," She didn't appear very happy about that at all.

"It's quite alright, Sara." Ethan's voice had changed from his usual - now Sara felt compelled to call him Dr.Ezekiel because he was being much more formal than usual.

"Now, I suppose we will start at the beginning. I want you, Mrs.Waschmith, to talk. Tell me about Sara, in all honesty."

"Well, we raised her in a good Christian home. I've always tried to provide the best for her, with the limited amount of money we have. I wanted to raise a beautiful baby girl who would grow up to marry a husband and give me grandchildren. I don't understand where I went wrong in raising her so that she could turn her back on me so badly."

Sara had to resist keeping her mouth from dropping open in shock. Where you went wrong? Really?! How about kicking me out of the freaking house? She shouted in her head, her mouth twisting into an unhappy frown.

"And how exactly did she turn her back on you, Mrs. Waschmith?"

"By being how she is! She made the choice herself, to go with Satans ways."

"Satan's ways?" Ethan had begun to scowl too. Sara shared a knowing look with Ethan, her frown clearly demonstrating her unhappiness with this session. How could you make someone born and raised ignorance see their mistakes when it was set in stone in their mind?

"Well, I suppose it's part of the reason she is in this place." Mrs. Waschmith gestured to the walls around her. "She chose to be a lesbian, and therefore forsake god's love for a serious sins."

She saying all this as if I had killed a man instead of coming out of the closet.

"So you are not supportive of the 'gay lifestyle'?"

"Heavens no!"

"Mrs. Waschmith, can you tell me what it was like to live with Sara?"

"Well, I thought she was normal for a long time." Sara fought back the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. How could someone who was supposed to love you be so harsh? "But then she started to get these leanings. As most responsible parents do, we decided to monitor her internet browsing and not only did she watch porn, it was lesbian porn! And she started to talk to this girl in her class a bit too intimately, and when I confronted her about it, she denied it. Even though I had the printed sheets in front of her face - she lied straight to my face."

"Have you ever thought that maybe she felt the need to be deceitful because you were putting so much pressure on her?"

"I was only trying to protect her and help her! It's not like I didn't try to help. I got her this fancy therapist from the USA on private orders."

"Oh?" Ethan threw a questioning glance at Sara. She hadn't mentioned anything about previous therapy.

"Yes. She was a very nice woman, a very good Catholic. She was trying to help me get Sara to repent from her evil ways."

Ethan paused for a moment, and then put his head in his hands. A brief spasm of anger passed over his face before he sighed.

"You got her a conversion therapist?"

Sara frowned. A lump sat in her throat and a single tear slid down her cheek. She quickly swept it away. She shouldn't show weakness in front of her parents, she knew that well. Just breathe, just relax, you're okay, you're okay. She chanted at herself. You can do this. Ethan wrote something down on a pad of paper, and took a deep breath.

"As of today, and this session, I believe that even though you wish to reclaim your daughter, it would be of a negative effect to your daughter's mental health. You will no longer be allowed custody of Sara, until she becomes an adult at the age of 18 in a few months."

"Excuse me?! This is my chil-"

"You have been excused. I have determined that even though she is your child, she is also a human being and it would no longer be healthy for her for the two of you to live together."

"What - you can't do that!"

"I can, and I just did. Now get out of my office before I call a guard and have them drag you out."

Her mother stood up angrily, a frown playing about her face. She opened her mouth as if to say something, and closed it again.

"You'll be hearing from my lawyer,"

"I'm sure I will be. Goodbye," Ethan got up and closed the door behind her.

As soon as she left, Sara let her tears spill over pour down her cheeks.

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