I Don't Belong Here

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The room was as bleak as the feeling in her chest. The white walls were painfully bright to Sara's eyes. Eventually the silence grew too loud and she flicked on the TV, only half listening to the program. She wanted to go see Sophie again - and decided she was going to do exactly that. Clutching her IV drip in one hand, she smoothed out her hospital gown with the other. After deciding she was presentable enough to go down to the parking lot she tried to turn the door handle to find that she couldn't. A panic clawed its way up her chest. She needed to do something, anything - they couldn't trap her in her like this, like some animal.

"Nurse," she tried to yell but her voice stayed trapped in her throat. Feeling incredibly weak Sara leaned against the door. A cough sprang its way from her chest, and a flash of anger made its way through her. At least when she was homeless she wasn't trapped. Anger quickly replaced the panic, becoming an undeniable lump of rage and fear in her throat. A fist slammed against the door, but it was too weak to make a satisfying noise. Another feeling of overwhelming helplessness washed over Sara and she sat back down on the bed, undeniably shaky.

The door opened once again. Sara was expecting the nurse once again, but it was a man. He was clearly the doctor - he had a very official presence about him and Sara could sense the demand for respect just emanating off of him.

"Hello Sara," His voice was surprisingly soft and gentle. "My name is Dr. Ethan Ezekiel. You can call me Ethan,"

Sara immediately felt safe around Ethan. Even though he had an intimidating figure, there was just something about him that allowed Sara to trust him.

"Sara, do you know why you are here?"

"I threw myself off of a bridge." Ethan showed no signs of being taken aback by Sara's blunt language.

"Well, that's one way of putting it," Ethan replied with a chuckle and a smile. "May I ask why you though such a drastic measure was necessary?"

Sara didn't reply, just frowned. She wanted Sophie to come back.

"Does the fact your files say you don't have a permanent residence have something to do with that?"

Sara still didn't reply.

"How long have you been under uncertain living conditions?" Ethan continued.
"About a year." That questioned seemed safe enough to answer.

Ethan nodded, seemingly satisfied with his progress. Sara found herself praying that he would stop asking such prying questions.

"Where are your parents?"

No answer.

"Who is that girl that visited you earlier even after being told several times to leave?"

Sara smiled. Apparently a lot of rebellion was healthy if they told her several times to leave.

"A smile. That's good to see,"

"Her name is Sophie."

"And her relation to you?"

"We are friends." Sara paused before the word friends - were they friends? They had just yesterday - was it yesterday?  She supposed that Sophie would have just moved on if they weren't friends.

"Is there anyone else you would like to contact? As you are under 18 we are going to have to contact your parents during your stay here by the law."

Sara gulped. Her parents were the last thing she needed right now.

"Dr. Ezekiel -"

"Call me Ethan."

"Ethan, I think the last thing that I need right now is for my parents to be contacted." Ethan's interest appeared to be perked after she mentioned that. Sara inwardly sighed. She couldn't help but feel as if she was being interrogated.

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