Chapter 27: Drop of Doubt

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I am sooooo sorry that I haven't updated in a week! It was Hell Week at school and I just couldn't write the chapter without flunking out of my classes. Also, beware: Next week is Hell Week 2. So updating will definitely not be happening soon :(

Shoutout to @PurpleMonkeyGreenPig , @celin7672 , @pxrtypxisxn , @rochae101 , @Clace_Percabeth_4evz , @Emyblueamv99 for being my new devoted and loyal fans. Thank you guys for all the likes, comments, and for following me!

I can't believe how many new readers I get everyday! Now, all of my chapter have more than 200 view for each! Yay!!!


Bethany's POV:

        I was suffocating. Flames danced around me, encircling me so that I was unable to move. I could only watch, yet again, the horrors of my father's death. He was in the flames, a huge pit of fiery red, orange, yellow, and white. He yelled and shouted. I couldn't really make out his face, but somehow I knew it was him. I saw his figure through the flames that kept me bound to the spot. I couldn't help him. I couldn't save him. He had gone to level 12 of the law building. He had never returned. I could only watch as he was eaten alive by the hungry and angry flames of torture.

        The dark figure struggling to find a way out was my father. I was sure of it. Of course, I was never in the building when it had happened. But this is what I always dreamed had happened.

I         knew it as truth, as a part of my soul that had a tattoo engraved into it's heartless flesh. My father had gone into work that day. Fact. My father had been on level 12 when the first bomb went off. Fact. Few lawyers survived the first attack. Fact. Another bomb had gone off, silencing all of the survivors of the attack on level 12. Fact.

I         knew the facts by heart. I had read the report over two hundred times. I had cried over one million times. I had memorized what the officer had told us that late night, when he had delivered the news of the accident. I knew all the facts, and yet I didn't.

        My father was in the building when the bomb went off. Fact. My father died.


        My soul was eating itself whole because of all the pain and confusion. My heart was ripping itself apart little by little every day that went by. Guilt gnawed at my chest every night. I should be looking for him. I should try to find him.

        My mind rewinded and I was in the fire, yet again. But this time, the first didn't seem so hot. My skin didn't feel like it was scalding and it didn't smell so much like burning flesh. I still saw the shadowed figure, struggling to escape through the deathly and unforgiving flames. But then, I blinked and the figure started to fade. I blinked again, and the man before me seemed to be evaporating into thin air.

        "Dad?" I called out.

        The man that was once struggling around to find an exit through all the red seemed to slowly be disappearing.

        "Dad!!!" I cried out.

        The flames were licking at me. I was burning. I could smell flesh burning. I screamed in sheer pain.

        "Don't leave me!" I could feel hot tears streaming down my face. My father wouldn't leave me to burn! No, there's no way! But I saw it with my own eyes. The shadowy shape was no longer there. There was nothing except explosions in the distance and flames licking my body.

Bethany Ford - A Young Justice Novel (Robin/Dick Grayson Romance) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now