Chapter 28: A Bird in Our Midst

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Hey guys, I'm soooososososoososos sorry that I haven't been able to update in more than a week. I would be pissed if someone did that to me. So I totally understand your pissiness (if that's even a word). I decided to reward you guys with a long one this time. And it's got some good stuff at the end... :)

Okay, shoutout to @Huntress360 , @Holasoyblossom , @Clace_Percabeth_4evz , @Emyblueamv99 , @amilulu2011 , @roarinwaters , @SingingSilentlyFF , ILikeCake14 , and @riallyn1 for the recent likes and follows. You guys all rock! Also to @Hope1d5sos for the follow and comment.

Hope you guys like it!

Bethany Ford's POV

The next day, I was still thinking about the previous events. So it turned out that Martian Manhunter and Zatara had to fix the damage that Klarion had done to my body. Also, the reason that M'gann had been crying was because she had tried to enter my mind to get me out of my dreams, but she only ended up getting overwhelmed by the realistic fire and then couldn't help me. So she started crying. I didn't get why everyone was freaking out over just a little nightmare. I mean, sure it represented that I had some doubts about my father's death, but still. It wasn't their concern. It was something I had to deal with, it was none of their business! And why were they the ones crying? I was the one getting freaking burned alive! And I still didn't find out what Superman and Batman had talked -

"Bethany!" Artemis' loud voice in my ear snapped me out of my daze. Unaware that I had woken up from my trance, she leaned even closer to my ear and yelled, "BETHA -"

"AHH! I'M AWAKE, OKAY? YOU DONT NEED TO FREAKING YELL IN MY EAR!!!" I shouted in her face. I noticed that about half of the cafeteria stopped what they were doing and were staring at us. Immediately, I shrunk back into my seat.

"Where were you? In LaLaLand? That's not like you, Bethany. Usually it's Rose who's eating rainbows and pooping butterflies," She jabbed finger over at Rose, who of course, didn't hear anything Artemis had said about her because she was staring off into space.

"What's all the yelling about?" A familiar voice popped up next to me.

"Nothing, Dick! Go away!" Artemis made shooing motions to him. Dick feigned being hurt, but then a smirk lit up his face.

"Is Artemis giving you a hard time?" Then he leaned in closer and stage whispered, making sure that she could hear him, "Don't worry, she's usually this annoying."

A small laugh escaped my lips at Dicks joke. Dick smiled like he won the lottery when he saw me laughing at his joke.


I sighed. Time for more of this form of Hell that they call school.

"Come on, Bethany. Let's go to History," Dick extended a hand towards me.

"Hey! What about me? I'm in your class, too, you know," Artemis huffed.

"You are?" I joked. Dick laughed with me and we left a confused Barbara and a smiling Rose behind.


Before History class got the chance to start, Dick, Artemis, and I chatted about homework.

"I have so much homework," I said to Dick.

"Yeah, the teachers seem like they're trying to cram in all of their tests in a matter of days. It's really unthoughtful of them," Dick replied.

"I'm extremely stressed this week. Ugh," I sighed, "I'm so overwhelmed."

"Yeah, well get whelmed. We have a long way to go before the year ends," Dick murmured to himself.

Bethany Ford - A Young Justice Novel (Robin/Dick Grayson Romance) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now