Chapter 5: It's a Woman Not a Man

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Bethany Ford's POV

I felt like I got run over by a speeding truck. After I had thrown that trashcan lid as hard as I could, I ran as fast as my injured leg could take me. That lid had been my ticket to freedom. First, I was staring straight at the brightly lit city thinking I was home free, and the next thing I knew, I'm face planting the ground. I fell like a sack of potatoes, my vision temporarily going dark. I could hear my father's voice in my ears saying, Get up! Now! I was sprawled on my back, and as I cracked my eyes open to see what had hit me, I saw a huge man about to pound me. I quickly rolled over into a sloppy kneel, the edges of my vision faded black. When my vision cleared, I was gazing right in to the rage-filled eyes of a muscular man... wait, woman? No, man... no, definitely a woman. you can always tell by the lips and the eyelashes. So a muscular woman. Focus, Bethany! My father's voice rang in my ears. The ground where I was laying just a few seconds ago was cracked from under the power that the man had - muscular woman had used to try to pound me to the ground.

"Ping!" Something pinged loudly in my small backpack. I glanced back surprised. I was 100% positive that I didn't bring my phone. I could be tracked with it and I wasn't that dumb. I just assumed that it was that phone looking device that I had picked up. It was making beeping and pinging noises before.

"You have something of mine," the woman sneered at me. Her voice was gravelly and rough, just like her facial features. My heart started beating really fast. I had never been in a full on serious fight before. Only at school, I would protect myself. But this was crazy! I calmed myself quickly.

"Umm, that remote-control thing?" I asked confused. Lightening the mood always helped me not take it as seriously.

"That remote-control thingy," She spat those last few words out, "is mine, and if you don't give it back to me, I'm just going to kill you to get it. Or maybe I should just kill you for the fun of it."

"Umm, all you had to do was ask," I said lightly. I started slowly unzipping my backpack to buy me some time to think. This remote got me to this place. If I give it to her, my source of free transportation is gone. but if I keep it, I can go wherever I need to, and maybe the cops won't be able to find me for another couple weeks. Why didn't I just teleport now? But I didn't know how to use it... With this device, I could live on my own even longer than I though I could last. But then again, if I don't give it to her, I'm going to get my ass handed to me. Probably chopped up. Lightly salted. Especially since I was injured, my fighting chance against this woman was less than 38%. I would rather not die right now. Reluctantly, I pulled out the remote looking device and was about to hand it to the woman's manly hands when an arrow zipped out of nowhere and exploded on the woman. She flew back about 10 feet from me, howling in pain.

"Don't give it to her!" A strong husky female voice yelled out form a patch of greenery to my left. I couldn't make out anything except some long blonde hair, but the angry woman's battle cries drew my attention back. I quickly shoved the beeping remote into my backpack again and looped the backpack around my shoulders. If there was someone else that wanted the remote, then it must be really important. What was this thing? If there was another person trying to get it too, then I can use that to my advantage to get away I could probably pit them against each other and then make my escape.

"Who's that?" I asked trying to direct the attention to the person who shot the arrow.

"An insect," the muscular woman said, "now give me the box!" Well that didn't work.

"Run!" The blonde girl's strong command could be heard clearly.

I took a quick glance at the muscular woman in front of me and caught a glimpse of her don't-you-dare look. I threw a quick sweet smile at her before taking off as fast as my injured leg could take me. I guess the blonde girl was trying to protect me instead. But why? Well, if someone was going to cover for my escape, then I am going to gladly take it. I heard the sound of another arrow whizzing by, but I didn't hear the sound of it hitting its target. Instead, I heard the same feminine voice cry out in pain and then right after that, burly arms roughly wrapped around my stomach and lifted me into the air. I flailed around, my legs kicking out, but my arms pinned down by these huge, many arms. Before I could resort to yelling all the curse words I knew, I was flung to the ground, but I carefully landed on my right side to avoid any more pain on my left knee. Okay, this woman wasn't going down, and the blonde girl doesn't seem to be saving me anymore, so I guess I'll have to do this my way.

I yanked out one of my combat knives from my boot and got into a defensive fighting stance. It was the third fighting stance my dad had taught me and has still remained my most favorable one. By now, my leg was comfortably snug in the strip of cloth I had tied around it. in fact, I couldn't feel my knee at all. I shifted my feet around on the pavement, feeling the familiar position. And then I looked up to meet the angry woman's boiling eyes head on.

And then she lunged at me.

Bethany Ford - A Young Justice Novel (Robin/Dick Grayson Romance) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now