Date: June 2nd // Age: 205,444

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Something that I haven't brought up yet, that I probably should keep recorded somewhere, is the initial reason as to why and how the Rebellion started. And I suppose it's more of the how as opposed to the why - my morals and ideals have always been the why.

The Rebellion was always bound to happen, it was just a matter of when. And that time finally came when, Sitri - surprise, surprise - made a move that cemented what started the revolution into this new age of demonic morals.

Before I tell this story, I also would like to point out, the Rebellion would have happened regardless. I was already in the talks and works of getting it started, but this particular event is what jump started it straight into action. I feel as though it's important to preface this story with that fact since it happened just before my 100,000th birthday and I was planning to do something spectacular and bold for my birthday anyway. This event just so happened to occur first:

Bihai and I sat at the dining table within the Yamiku mansion. I remember it so vividly - she was wearing her favorite white and red gown, the morning sun shining in through the giant glass windows lining the wall. That blood orange sun always knew how to make my beloved shine. She twirled her hair between her fingers, braiding it in some places as she waited for me to finish up eating breakfast. I could never help how long it took for me to eat, not when she sat so perfectly across from me.

Like most mornings, I had the daily newspaper opened up and laying against the marble tabletop next to my plate and coffee. A few pages into that newspaper, I came across a headline that instantly put a sour taste in my mouth.

"Second District God Claims New Angel Slave," I read aloud to my wife.

She seemed just as shocked as I was. "What?" She asked with such confusion in her voice. "Well, I suppose that's not really much news, is it? Sitri's always getting new fallen angel slaves. He scoops them up off the street as soon as they decide to try to live among all of us."

"Yeah, but this doesn't say 'fallen angel'. It just says angel."

I remember pointing that out to her specifically. And she immediately brushed it off as a printing error. It wasn't until I started reading the actual article to her that it started sinking in.

"The current God of the Second District, Sitri Yi, has managed to strike gold and obtain a slave worthy of the millenia. Always reaching to set new precedents and goals, he has outdone himself with this new capture - an angel that hasn't lost status in Heaven."

"Wait, this angel wasn't actually fallen?"

"Apparently not, let me continue. The slave acquired was picked directly off the surface of the Earth by the God himself. No other information is known at this time. However, it is speculated that if he chooses to sell this slave, he'll surely triple his current standings in wealth. It is rumored that Sitri is in talks with the Fourth District God, Dortz, to set up either a sale or trade of land and territory."

By the time I looked up from the newspaper, she was already fuming. You wouldn't be able to tell from her outer appearance. She remained as calm as ever, the braiding and twirling of her hair slowed down, her methodical fingers lingering before moving through the strands. Her eyes fixated on one spot on the table. I could tell she had the same feelings on the matter as I did.

"So, what are we going to do about it then?" She asked me with this hauntingly quiet tone.

"I suppose we're taking on a God," I replied as I folded the newspaper shut, tossing it down to the other side of the table.

It was a foolish decision, honestly. We were nowhere near ready to fight a God. We had a group of five - Bihai and myself, Sazorac, and two other soldiers who unfortunately aren't with us anymore. However, we did manage to save the angel!

Her name is Rie Manai, and I know she's safe in Heaven where she belongs.

That attack launched what has become our modern day Rebellion. Between saving Rie and having Darrien taken from us long before that, our purpose was set in stone.

I still question if it was all worth it, though. I lost the love of my life, my beloved, Bihai, to that attack on the God. We saved Rie as intended, but Sitri came for revenge. He came into our home late at night and took her from us.

I know he killed her. He forced her to write one last letter to me - which I still have tucked away safely in my desk.

I wasn't home to protect her that night. I had gone back to Rebellion headquarters to put up our weapons and tend to the two soldiers injured in the raid.

It should've been me Sitri came after.

I know she would've taken care of things better than I have.

If I was home that night, she wouldn't have been taken.

It's my fault Bihai is dead. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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