Date: April 15th // Age: 205,444

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Yesterday's incident of seeing Onegai sparked the reminder that I still need to locate my oldest son, Darrien. The last time we had eyes on him was approximately 10,000 years ago. I don't remember exactly when it was, but I do remember where he was back then - under the rule of some slumlord in the Second District. I've never been able to confirm it, but I'm pretty sure he got transferred to have a new contract with the God of that district, Sitri.

It takes so long to track somebody down within the slave trade.

Especially if they're just holding onto Darrien and not putting him up for sale.

As bad as it sounds, if he was being sold constantly, he would be much easier to find. He's a Yamiku after all! We're the biggest and most powerful family in all of Hell. Whenever he does go up for sale, it's always for an astronomical amount. Whoever puts him on the market is guaranteed a fortune for that sale.

If we're able to get intel on when and where he's being sold, though, we can track where he'll be and potentially how we can get him out. Every time we've even started on making plans for his freedom, however, he gets sold and the process starts all over again. For awhile, Sazorac and I suspected there being a rat within the Rebellion. Over the course of time and seeing just how much Darrien has been bounced around and tracing the flow of money between the districts, I don't believe anyone is betraying us. There might be, I can't be absolutely certain, but Darrien really does get sold that much.

Even if it's been about 10,000 years since his contract has surfaced, that's still not a long time in the greater scene of eternity.

I just have to be patient.

I'll see him again. Heaven help the demon's neck I finally get to snap for believing they have a right to own my son.

And, honestly, if that demon were to be Sitri, that'd be killing a lot of birds with one stone there. Sitri is one of the primary dealers within the slave trade. He's involved for himself as well as for the businesses he runs. He's got ties all throughout the First and Second Districts.

He's too big of a target to take down right now. I need more recruits and soldiers before we go into a battle like that.

Soon, perhaps. Just not yet.

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