Date: March 28th // Age: 205,442

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Today we confirmed there are angels at Akira's. Well, there were. Our insider connections got the date mixed up. I half suspect they were paid to keep their mouths shut. Regardless, we missed the auction and those poor angels are off to what's probably a worse place than that grimy club.

I was so upset that we missed the auction.

Sazorac had to hold me back from going off on our insider guys.

We were so close to saving them! If we were just one day earlier, we could've gotten those fallen souls at least back up to Earth.

I wish Bihai was here. She always knew how to calm me down when I got too mad to see clearly.

I have to keep telling myself she's dead. She's not coming back. Her soul has the same enchantment on it that keeps my father from coming back from the dead. It happened so long ago, yet I have to remind myself every so often. And it hurts just as much every time I do.

Anyway, I'm not in the right headspace to write anything else productive today. I'll try to come back once I have something of value to put in here.

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