Chapter 19

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The treehouse was empty and for the first time since I discovered this place, it felt cold and unwelcoming.

I waited and waited until the darkness engulfed the treehouse. The shadows of the sun were replaced by the shadows of the artificial lamp placed on the table.

I heard their voices before their footsteps. I got up, hoping they would bring with them Lia but once I reached the door and looked down, it was only the four of them. I sighed in disappointment and my heart clenched wondering what might have happened. I was imagining the worst, like always. I tried to tell myself to calm down, that it was probably nothing but my mind was bombarded with questions like: Was she hurt? Was she sick? Did they know? Did...

" Damn, that's a big ass treehouse," Ryujin exclaimed, loudly enough for me to hear it clearly.

Damn, they were loud. Guess it was a good thing they weren't bird-sighting.

Ningning was the first to climb and when the others came up there was a succession of 'woah's.

"What is this place?"  Yuna asked in awe, walking around the room.

For the first time, I was proud to show something that was mine. Well, not really mine technically but who cares. I was so proud of it and I smiled at the reactions that it provoked.

"I found it years ago. I was wandering in the forest and here it was. I arranged it a bit and it became kind of my hideout,"

"And Lia knows this place?" Chaeryeong asked.

"Let me was your love nest?" Ryujin arched a brow.

My cheeks burned immediately and I was sure I was already red.

"I can see the appeal,"  Yuna let out and Ryujin scoffed. She took a chair and sat heavily on it huffing as if she was exhausted.

However, all of this wasn't helping the pandering question in my mind.

"Did you find Lia?"

They looked at one another and I knew something was wrong. Fuck.

" What?"  I turned to Ningning. " Tell me,"

She sighed, biting her lip " Sit,"

"Ningning, please,"

She gestured to the chair. Damn, this kid was stubborn.

I went there reluctantly but I knew that otherwise, she wouldn't give me any answers. Once on it, I looked at her expectantly, pressing her to just spill the beans.

" Lia's brother was the one to answer the door and he told us that, apparently, Lia had big headaches and that their parents had to go to the hospital with her," At this point, my heart was hurting in my chest so bad that I thought I was gonna have a heart attack, her accident haunting my mind "And after that it was...kind of...confusing. He said she would probably be back in a few days because the doctors still had some tests to do but then he backtracked saying they would most likely go to his grandma's house to let her rest but it's weird because she lives on the other side on the country and they don't even visit her on Christmas most of the time and..."

" The little shit was lying. It was obvious ," Ryujin interrupted.

"So what? " I asked, more confused than I had been " We're back to square one? We don't know where she is?"

"Well, now we know her family is involved,"  Yuna tried to find a positive point.

" Why though? Did they find about us?" I got up, scratching my scalp " I'm not staying here and do nothing when we know nothing. What if she's not safe?"

" Calm down Hwang! You're stressing me the fuck out," Ryujin huffed.

"But Yeji, what more can we do? " Ningning came toward me  "Maybe they know but maybe they don't. You can't go there if they don't. They can't know about you guys."

She was right but I couldn't relive the trauma of her accident again. It was too much. I couldn't lose her again.

" I need to do something. Anything. I need to be with her this time, do you understand? "  I sounded desperate and I was. Tears threatened to spill again. I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts that were all over the place.

"I know that but what can we do? Sneak in the house? "

I looked at her knowingly and she shook her virulently.

"Yeji, no. Don't even think about it,"

I knew this was insane but I couldn't help it. I took my jacket and settled my glasses up my nose.

"Yeji, think about it,"  Ningning pleaded, taking a hold of my shoulders. My eyes paused on her but my mind was already gone.

"I can't stay here and wondered what might have happened to her. I can't. She's all I have. I can't lose her again,"

She looked conflicted, she knew what I felt.

"Please tell me you understand,"

"I..."  she glanced at the girls who were standing awkwardly at the other side of the room even Ryujin was on the edge of her seat. Ningning looked back at me, biting her lower lip to finally sigh.

" Ok...but," she firmly gripped my shoulders, coming closer  " I got you back,"

She made me went to cry. A wave of emotions coursed my body  "Thank you,"  I whispered.

She nodded softly and smiled, releasing her hold on me. I glanced one last time at the girls. Now they were awfully quiet. Chaeryeong was looking down, changing her support from one foot to the other. Yuna looked kind of lost, nervously playing with her beautifully manicured fingers. Only Ryujin was looking at her with her eyes squinted as if she was assessing her.

Ok, focus Yeji.

Let's find Lia.

Determined, I climbed down the ladder. If Lia's parents caught me then be it. If they beat the shit out of me then be it. If the last thing I see on this earth is Lia then be it. 

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