Another Announcement

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Sora and Yoruko arrived in the auditorium, where all the others were waiting at a large space. A stage with a podium stood in front of them, and the sixteen participants minus Teruya gathered right before it.

The girls joined up at the back and stood right next to Setsuka and Hibiki. "Ra-ra, Ruko, glad you could make it!" The billiards player quietly welcomed.

"Hm? Why do you guys look like you've been crying?" Hibiki asked. "Did something happen?"

"Um... We'll tell you about it afterwards." Yoruko brushed off. Hibiki huffed with impatience, turning back to the stage.

The class was idly chatting with each other, talking about how their day and work was, but soon fell silent as they saw Yamato stepping onto the stage and going behind the podium. "Hey, what's up?" He greeted with a smile. "Alright, you guys are probably wondering a lot of things right now, which is understandable since we didn't tell you shit."

"Are you taking questions?" Syobai called out sarcastically, earning a round of light chuckles.

"Well, I kinda have a feeling that they're something along the lines of 'why are we going to Towa', 'what about our community service', or even 'why are you making us show up to this dumbass assembly'." The inventor shrugged. "So, no. No questions will be taken."

"And when are you going to stop rambling and answer them?" Kanade added.

"Who knows! Just kidding." Yamato cleared his throat. "As of recently, we've been noticing that you are managing to recover from your experiences during the Tragedy and your killing game. 'We' actually meaning Mikako, by the way. And as such, we figured that it would be detrimental to keep you guys cooped up in this building, large as it may be."

"Yeah, this place becomes smaller the longer you stay in here. Or maybe it's just me." Shinji pointed out.

"But since online therapy exists and more therapists and counselors are helping out internationally, we can still get you guys the help you need while allowing you to stay in a bigger place and keeping you in your community service." The inventor continued. "Both of these things will help you all get back into regular society faster, especially since you're going to be in a place that looks more like a regular society than this place."

"Wait, our community service isn't ending?" Nikei questioned. "Then how are we going to keep doing it? What are we going to even do there?"

"Well, that question combines well with what the Kisaragi Foundation is planning to do in Towa City. You see, one of the deputies is the last remaining heir to the corporation Towa Group, if we take into consideration all of the requirements to be a leader nowadays." The director explained. "Simply put, Kakeru and some our agents are in court right now to take control of Towa Group, and by extension, Towa City as well using a bunch of legal shenanigans. But Tsunderugi checked over everything and said that the documents are legit, so we're sure to win this case!"

"'Tsunderugi'?! Pfft-" Iroha began to giggle, and Kanade rubbed her back to calm her down.

"So, where does that leave us?" Hajime asked.

"Easy question! You and the other people going to Towa will be a part of the new branch in that area." Yamato stated. "Simply put, you're all being recruited into the Kisaragi Foundation!"

The class fell silent, letting the inventor's words sink in. The first one to speak was Setsuka. "Wait, we're going to be actual employees now?" She repeated.

"Yep! Your Ultimate talents and cooperation with each other makes all of you an obvious choice for choosing workers of a new branch! Of course, there's the sanity test that you'll have to be checked with, but I'm sure that you'll pass it easily!" He handwaved. "Of course, your families will all come with you, and things like food, water, housing, hygienic products, and pay will be provided by the foundation."

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