A Passionate Blaze

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Shinji opened his eyes and stretched as he sat up, like he did every morning before cleaning himself up and going with his boyfriend for their morning training session. He was unconcerned with hearing his shoulders pop, knowing that they were just warming themselves up from being still for so long, and he rubbed his face to speed up the 'waking up' process. He felt that he was growing a bit of stubble and shrugged, figuring that he could style it later.

He picked up his student handbook and turned it on to check the time, pressing the labeled button on the corner of the handbook that he put on so he wouldn't forget. His eyes widened as he looked at the time, 11:15am. That was way later then he got up every morning!

He jumped out of bed and raced to the closet to get his clothes. He took out his black shirt, but then began to reconsider. It was November and it was getting cold outside, so he might need a change in attire. He put his black shirt back and decided not to take out his work pants, instead putting on a white short-sleeved suit shirt and an orange tie that came with it, and a matching light blue tracksuit jacket and pants. 

He quickly threw open the door, which made Hajime jump as he was placing two fruit smoothies at the table. With the reflexes of a tiger, he caught his balance and made sure that he didn't spill a drop of the drinks. He sighed and turned to his boyfriend with a smile. "Good morning, Shin." He greeted. "Happy birthday."

"Oh, it's the ninth already?" The firefighter replied. "Man, time sure does fly, bro."

Hajime sat down at the table, his sunglasses placed next to his drink. "Sorry about turning off all your alarms, I just thought you getting some extra sleep would be a one-time treat for today." The boxer apologized. "Come sit down, have your smoothie, and I'll tell you what you've missed."

Shinji did as he was told, picking up his smoothie and sipping it out of a straw. It tasted like vanilla, strawberries, bananas, and a slight hint of walnuts mixed with protein. Regardless, he enjoyed its flavour as Hajime began to talk.

"Alright, so Hibiki booked the same venue again for tomorrow's party, but we're not going to have alcohol there this time. Instead, we're having a karaoke night." Hajime chuckled. "Yeah, Hibiki's been hyping it up for ages."

"She seems excited." The firefighter joked. "By the way, this is really good. Did you put walnuts and protein in this?"

"Yeah, but I doubt they're a strong flavour compared to the strawberries and banana in there. I got the recipe from Kokoro, she says that this is a great rejuvenator, but she usually replaced the protein with caffeine. Seriously, she needs to go to bed; I can SEE the bags under her eyes." Hajime sighed.

"Well, she has work to do, and she usually sleeps a lot anyways." Shinji justified. "Anyways, the party's tomorrow. What are we gonna do for the rest of the day?" He asked.

Hajime finished drinking the last of his smoothie and got up from the table. "I was thinking that we should spend the rest of the day at the gym downtown. I can drive us there, so we can enjoy ourselves to the fullest." He saw that Shinji had finished his smoothie and took his glass as well, putting them both in the sink.

"I heard that Setsuka was getting her driver's license. Is that true?" The firefighter questioned, standing up as well and heading to the door.

"Yeah, and she's definitely stoked. She keeps complaining that she's too broke to own an actual car though, so I think she's bribing Yoruko to take her car out for a ride once in a while." The boxer quickly headed into their room to change his clothes and came out with a grey hoodie and black sweatpants on.

"You look nice, bro!" Shinji complimented, slipping a pair of boots on as Hajime went to put on his shoes.

"Heh, thanks, Shin." Hajime replied, a smile and light blush of his cheeks. "We should hurry before the gym fills up."

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