5) Meeting the Drama King

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I stepped out into a large, very bright, room. It had high ceilings and windows with shining sunshine pouring in. The room was marble, but the most bizarre feature were the thrones placed in a semicircle. We teleported just to the left of a hearth with what looked like a young girl tending the fire.

Suddenly a booming voice coming from a forty foot tall man on the center throne said, "WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DARE YOU WALK IN HERE?" He had dark hair on his head and pulled into a rather impressive beard and a murderous expression on his face.
Chaos popped out into another portal, leaving us to deal with this mess on our own, wimp.
Sol and I, being the only unmasked members of our troup took charge accordingly.

I shifted to my full height and said, "I am assuming you must be Zeus. I have heard many things about you."
I walked forward lithely just as Zeus threw lightning at me, actual lightning. How dare he, the temperamental jerk!
I almost dodged it, it hit my shoulder and hurt like a bitch. It felt like someone had used a defibrillator on me with maximum voltage and my sleeve was smoking but only a little. Our clothes were designed to be "proof" of everything under the stars. I assumed this now included lightning proof.
"Ouch!" I yelped, "That hurts like a bitch!"

Every god in their thrones looked at me slightly dumbstruck, I bet they had never seen lightning not smite something before.
The party behind me shifted in seeming amusement.

Zeus regained his composure first and growled at me, "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"
I stepped forward once more with Sol and Gemini at my back protectively.

"I am General Amaryllis, commander of the primordial army." I gestured to my left and then right, "This is Sol, my footsoldier general and this is Gemini, my specialist general." Sol nodded once with my statement. I turned around and made a sweeping motion over Team Terra, "And this is our human legion."

I gave them a second to absorb the information and form questions. A back haired and blue eyed man on Zeus's right, who I guessed was Poseidon, responded stiffly, "Hello General Amaryllis, welcome to Olympus. I have a bit of knowledge on the primordial army but let me restate the question of, what are you doing here?"
I responded quickly, "How much are you aware of Aunt Nyx's movements?"

They tensed and looked far too taken aback by my simple question.
"Aunt?" Poseidon replied.
Oh right, that.

I waved my hand absently, "Each general in the army is a demi primordial, the generals here, including myself, are all half human." I grinned, "So technically Zeus, I am your Great Aunt of sorts."

Each and every god and goddess tensed and I realized my mistake. Dammit!
"You are Gaea's daughter," said a man who sported an unfortunate face asked gruffly and not without anger.
I mentally slapped myself, I did not mean for this to slip out so early.

I spoke quickly before one of them could try to smite me again. I raised my hand in a placating gesture, "I apologize for my Mother's actions years ago. She was way out of line and it would have been breaking primordial law to get involved with her affairs. I did not stop her but nor did I do anything to help. If it makes you feel any better she has been reduced to a semi sane ghost who has a severe case of bipolar disorder. She also cannot raise a consciousness ninety percent of the time." I took a breath and paused, when none of them attacked me I took that as a sign to continue. "We come as a peace offering from the primordials. They have recognized that her actions have hurt you greatly and have decided to aid in the fight against my Aunt Nyx."

They all had semi angry and semi thoughtful expressions on their faces, when none of them moved to attack again I relaxed slightly. A lady with a sharp face answered the question everyone left hanging, I figured she was Athena, "The gods and I are aware that Nyx is slowly ripping her way out of Tartarus. We know that she plans to overthrow the gods and will attempt to decimate the demigods to do so."
Gemini bowed and took off her hood, she gave them a smirk. I glared at her pleading with my eyes for her to shut up, she did no such thing.

"We are here to offer the demigods assistance, it looks like you'll need it."
The gods all made noises of outrage but nobody refused like I thought they would.

A lady to the left of Zeus, Hera said, "And what might your human legion be able to offer us, demigods are much more powerful than regular humans." She scoffed in their direction and they tensed.

I stepped protectively in front of them, the corners of my mouth turned up. "Each legion is composed of dead people who are given a second chance at life after fifty years of semi immortal service in the army. The human legion members will all be let go after they serve their term in this war, that is most of our peace gift to you."

Hera scoffed once more, "Why would we want a bunch of formerly dead humans?"

She looked haughty and Gemini decided to wipe the smirk off of her face.
"Because, oh great queen," she said and bowed. "They aren't just humans."
As if someone had whispered in their ears they all pulled down their hoods in perfect synchronization, revealing the gods lost children.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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