Chapter 6

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Hey guys!
Sorry, but you made it this far so it must be good, I guess. I am enjoying writing this even though it sucks. haha

We all ran as hard as we could to the box. The lid raised and we all caught a glimpse of the package. More food, new water and a boy.

Newt jumped into the box and passed the boy up. "Name suggestions anyone?" Yelled Gally. If i remember correctly my first name was girl, but then after a couple days you remember your real name. "Thomas!" Someone called out from the back. "ok, Thomas it is." suddenly, Thomas took a deep breath in and came to. "Welcome home Thomas." Gally said with a welcoming tone in his voice. Thomas jumped up and ran toward the door. "uh Josie go get him before he reaches the door." demanded Gally. After all that has happened he asks me...? Huh. I took off after him, I am faster then him so I caught up pretty quick. "hey, bud! Where ya heading." he looked at me then back to the door. "who are you?!" He asked, panicked, worried, scared. "Stop and I'll tell you. He stopped and I explained, the box, the hall, the maze, the runners, Gally, Newt (not the fact he's my lover) " so we just have to stay here?!" He asked. "Well for the time being... yes." I exclaimed. "come. lets go meet the others." he followed me to the group of boys and they all welcomed the new comer. Newt walked up to me, "Come with me." I followed him outside and we walked to the box, he jumped in and caught me when I jumped in. "see?" I looked around, empty boxes. No food in any of them. "oh no." I said looking to make sure. "now what?" Newt asked. "consider us already dead." we climbed out of the box and headed back to the hall. "Gally?!" Everyone looked at us. "what?" Gally came out of the bundle of boys, Newt placed his hands around my waist, he was protective over me with Gally. "there's no food." Gally looked down. "okay, leave the box." Gally turned around the face the boys. "Today, nobody runs, nobody works. Today we rest!" Everyone cheered. We all flooded out of the hall and headed to our beds. I separated from the others to head to my bed which, because I'm a girl was isolated. Newt grabbed my hand. "Come with me please." I followed him to his bed. We both layed down, I rested my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beat. "hey Newt?"
"Yes Josie."
"you know I love you."
He laughed, "yes I know."
"Okay good."
"Hey Josie?"
"Yes Newt."
"Promise me nothing will come between us, no matter how many rivers we travel through, no matter how many times we get torn apart, we always love each other."
"I promise babe."
he took a deep breath.
I fell asleep.

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